This an Ansible project template that I use with Travis CI to test my roles. The main idea behind this is :
- Setting up an ansible project
- Play my lxd role to deploy a container using ENVIRONMENT variables
- Play the role to test on the container checking for :
- syntax
- correct execution
- idempotence
- Execute specific tests if supplied
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
The purpose of this project is to be runned inside a travis build, it works with either trusty or xenial.
In order to use this template, the role to be tested should have a tests folder with a test.yml playbook.
|-- test.yml ............ The playbook meant to run the role, use role-to-test as a placeholder for the role name
|-- post-check.yml ...... Optionnal playbook for running any test you'd like with Ansible
|-- ............. Optionnal script for running any test you'd like with Ansible
Here's what test.yml should like :
- hosts: container
- role-to-test
Theres's multiple environment variables usable in your .travis.yml file.
Use test_os for defining the operating system you would like to test. The images are retrieved from, for clarity instead of using the alias required by the lxd API (e.g : os/version/arch) use this naming scheme :
test_os value | lxd alias |
centos7 | centos/7/amd64 |
ubuntu16.04 | ubuntu/16.04/amd64 |
debian9 | debian/9/amd64 |
... | ... |
- test_os: centos7
- test_os: ubuntu16.04
Use containers for supplying a comma separated list of containers names if you want want more than the default solo container named "container".
- test_os: centos7
containers: c1,c2
- test_os: ubuntu16.04
containers: c1
This option is set to false by default and adds -v flag to ansible's commands when enabled.
- test_os: centos7
debug: true
- test_os: ubuntu16.04
debug: false
Other than the environment variables, the only thing you need to do inside the .travis.yml file is cloning this template and executing the script.
Wrapping it up, here's what your .travis.yml should like :
dist: trusty
language: python
python: "2.7"
sudo: true
- containers: c1,c2,c3
- test_os: centos7
- test_os: centos6
- test_os: ubuntu16.04
- test_os: ubuntu14.04
- test_os: debian9
- test_os: debian8
# Cloning testing template
- sudo mkdir /etc/ansible
- sudo chown -R "${USER}:" /etc/ansible
- git clone /etc/ansible
# Run tests
- bash /etc/ansible/
Most of my roles use this template, for example check my netdata role.