Using Normalizr to normalize redux action payload
You have redux store with some entities, such as posts, comments, users, etc. You want to parse server response and save parsed entities to store. Normalizr solves this problem and this middleware automates normalizing proccess.
npm install redux-schema-middleware
Put this middleware after something that generates nested data andbefore anything that need to have parsed data. For example:
apiMiddleware, // get nested data from server
If you have not use normalizr, look at this page For example, we will define post, which contains comments array.
const post = new Schema('posts');
const comment = new Schema('comments');
comments: arrayOf(comment)
const feedActivity = { activity: arrayOf(post) }; // This is how server response looks like.
serverDataReceivedAction = {
payload: someNestedData, // this can be server response obtained from server
schema: feedActivity
On the next steps (next middlewares or in your reducer) you can get normalized entities
and response
from your action.parsedResponse
You can use this data in post or comment reducer like this:
const posts = (state = defaultState, action) => {
if (actionHasParsedResponseWithPosts) {
return update(state, {
$merge: action.parsedResponse.entities.posts
return state;
So you will get your server-response entities cached in your store!