This map viewer allows you to journey through space, time and text in early 19th century Jamaica.
It combines the Journal of Alexander Innes (1823-24) with James Robertson's mapping of Jamaica (1804), showing the locations that Innes visited highlighted in blue.
Read further information about Alexander Innes, about the journal and map sources, and about the resource.
The map viewer uses OpenLayers 4.4.2 for the map interface, JQuery for some interactive features, and a MapTiler georeferenced mosaic in the map panel. For the date slider, we used the jQuery UI slider, adapting a date range slider example.
The index.js Javascript file is commented to explain the specific content and functions within it.
The content for this map has principally been gathered by Matthew Lee, a PhD placement student working on a collaborative project between the University of Aberdeen and the National Library of Scotland. The map viewer has been put together by Chris Fleet.