Which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom in C Which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom in C programming helps in identifying the r number of seats that can be occupied by n number of people. Such a program is known as the possible permutations. Here, We need to write a code to find all the possible ways in which n people can occupy r number of seats in a classroom/theater.
Permutations In Which N People Can Occupy R Seats in C Way 2 Of Asking Question Write code to find all possible permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in a theater Problem Statement : In a classroom some of the seats are already occupied by students and only a few seats are available in the classroom. The available seats are assumed as r and n number of students are looking for the seat. We need to find in how many different permutations n number of students can sit on r number of chairs.
Algorithm Input number of students in n Input number of seats in r Use permutation formula { factorial(n) / factorial(n-r) } Print Output Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in aclassroom in C programming Related Pages Octal to Binary conversion
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While loop in C C code Run //Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats #include<stdio.h>
//function for factorial int factorial(int num) { int fact=1; for(int i=num; i>=1 ;i--) fact*=i; return fact; }
//main program int main() { int n,r; printf("Enter number of people: ");
//user input
printf("Enter number of seats: ");
//user input
scanf("%d", &r);
//finding all possible arrangements of n people on r seats
// by using formula of permutation
int p = factorial(r)/factorial(r-n);
//printing output
printf("Total possible arrangements: %d",p);
return 0;
} Output Enter number of people: 5 Enter number of seats: 9 Total possible arrangements: 15120