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Burrowland contact

How it works

Interest model

The contract uses a compounding interest model similar to Aave.

Each asset defines interest rate configuration with the following values:

  • target_utilization - the ideal percent at for the asset utilization, e.g. 80% borrowed comparing to the total supplied.
  • target_utilization_r - the constant to use as a base for computing compounding APR at the target utilization.
  • max_utilization_r - the constant to use as a base for computing compounding APR at the 100% utilization.
  • reserve_ratio - the percentage of the acquired interest reserved for the platform.

Based on these values we define 3 points of utilization: 0%, target utilization and 100%. For each of these points we have the r constant: 1.0, target_utilization_r and max_utilization_r respectively.

To compute the APR, we can use the following formula:

1 + APR = r ** MS_PER_YEAR, where MS_PER_YEAR is the number of milliseconds in a year equal to 31536000000.

Based on the current supplied, reserved and borrowed balances, the current utilization is defined using the following formula:

utilization = (supplied + reserved) / borrowed

To compute current APR, we need to find the current r constant based on the linear interpolation between utilization points:

  • if utilization <= target_utilization, r = target_utilization_r * (utilization / target_utilization)
  • if utilization > target_utilization, r = target_utilization_r + (max_utilization_r - target_utilization_r) * (utilization - target_utilization) / (1 - target_utilization)

To calculate the amount of interest acquired for the duration of t milliseconds, we can use the following formula:

interest = (r ** t) * borrowed

The interest are distributed to reserved and supplied, based on reserve_ratio, so the new values are:

reserved_interest = interest * reserve_ratio
new_reserved = reserved + reserved_interest
new_supplied = supplied + (interest - reserved_interest)
new_borrowed = borrowed + interest 

Health factor

The health factor is computed per account instead of per asset.

Each account may supply multiple collateral assets and may borrow multiple assets.

Each asset has a configuration value volatility_ratio which indicates the expected price stability factor. The higher the ratio, the higher expectation of the stability of the price of the corresponding asset.

To compute the current health factor for the account, we need to know the current prices of all collateral and borrowed assets. Firstly, we compute the adjusted for volatility sums of all collateral assets and borrowed assets.

adjusted_collateral_sum = sum(collateral_i * price_i * volatility_ratio_i)
adjusted_borrowed_sum = sum(borrowed_i * price_i / volatility_ratio_i)

Now we can compute the health factor:

health_factor = adjusted_collateral_sum / adjusted_borrowed_sum

If the health factor is higher than 100%, it means the account is in a good state and can't be liquidated. If the health factor is less than 100%, it means the account can be partially liquidated and can't borrow more without repaying some amount of the existing assets or providing more collateral assets.


Contract liquidations are designed to make liquidators compete for the profit that they make during liquidations to minimize the loss taken by the unhealthy accounts. Instead of the fixed profit that is used in the legacy products, this contract introduces a variable discount with variable liquidation size.

Liquidations rules:

  1. the initial health factor of the liquidated accounts has to be below 100%
  2. the discounted sum of the taken collateral should be less than the sum of repaid assets
  3. the final health factor of the liquidated accounts has to stay below 100%
  4. the final health factor of the liquidated account should be higher than the initial health factor

A liquidation action consists of the following:

  • account_id - the account ID that is being liquidated
  • in_assets - the assets and corresponding amounts to repay form borrowed assets
  • out_assets - the assets and corresponding amounts to take from collateral assets

The discount is computed based on the initial health factor of the liquidated account:

discount = (1 - health_factor) / 2

Now we can compute the taken discounted collateral sum and the repaid borrowed sum:

taken_sum = sum(out_asset_i * price_i)
discounted_collateral_sum = taken_sum * (1 - discount)
repaid_sum = sum(in_asset_i * price_i)

Once we action is completed, we can compute the final values and verify the liquidation rules:

  1. initial_health_factor < 100%
  2. discounted_collateral_sum <= repaid_sum
  3. new_health_factor < 100%
  4. new_health_factor > initial_health_factor

The first rule only allows to liquidate accounts in the unhealthy state. The second rule prevents from taking more collateral than the repaid sum (after discount). The third rule prevents the liquidator from repaying too much of the borrowed assets, only enough to bring closer to the 100%.

Liquidation example

Account alice.near supplied to collateral 1000 wNEAR and borrowed 4000 nDAI.

Let's say:

  • the price of wNEAR is 10
  • the price of the nDAI is 1
  • the volatility_ratio of wNEAR is 0.5
  • the volatility_ratio of nDAI is 1

The health factor of alice.near is the following:

adjusted_collateral_sum = sum(1000 * 10 * 0.5) = 5000
adjusted_borrowed_sum = sum(4000 * 1 / 1) = 4000
health_factor = 5000 / 4000 = 125% 

Let's say the price of wNEAR drops to 8

adjusted_collateral_sum = sum(1000 * 8 * 0.5) = 4000
adjusted_borrowed_sum = sum(4000 * 1 / 1) = 4000
health_factor = 4000 / 4000 = 100% 

The health factor is 100%, so the account still can't be liquidated.

Let's say the price of wNEAR drops to 7

adjusted_collateral_sum = sum(1000 * 7 * 0.5) = 3500
adjusted_borrowed_sum = sum(4000 * 1 / 1) = 4000
health_factor = 3500 / 4000 = 0.875 = 87.5% 

The health factor is below 100%, so the account can be liquidated. The discount is the following:

discount = (1 - 0.875) / 2 = 0.0625 = 6.25%

It means anyone can repay some nDAI and take some wNEAR from alice.near with 6.25% discount.

Account bob.near decides to liquidate alice.near

bob.near wants to repay 1000 nDAI, we can compute the maximum sum of the collateral to take:

repaid_sum = sum(1000 * 1) = 1000
max_taken_sum = repaid_sum / (1 - discount) = 1000 / (1 - 0.0625) = 1066.666

And based on the wNEAR price, we can compute the maximum amount:

max_wnear_amount = max_taken_sum / wnear_price = 1066.666 / 7 = 152.38

But to avoid risk, bob.near takes 152 wNEAR - a bit less to avoid price fluctuation for the duration of the transaction.

Let's compute the liquidation action:

taken_sum = sum(out_asset_i * price_i) = sum(152 * 7) = 1064
discounted_collateral_sum = taken_sum * (1 - discount) = 1064 * (1 - 0.0625) = 997.5
repaid_sum = sum(in_asset_i * price_i) = sum(1000 * 1) = 1000

new_adjusted_collateral_sum = sum((1000 - 152) * 7 * 0.5) = 2968
new_adjusted_borrowed_sum = sum((4000 - 1000) * 1 / 1) = 3000

new_health_factor = 2968 / 3000 = 0.9893 = 98.93%

Now checking the liquidation rules:

1. 87.5% < 100%
2. 997.5 <= 1000
3. 98.93% < 100%
4. 98.93% > 87.5%

All rules satisfied, so the liquidation was successful.

Now, let's compute the profit of bob.near (or the loss for alice.near) for this liquidation:

profit = taken_sum - repaid_sum = 1064 - 1000 = 64


  • If someone during the time when the price of wNEAR was falling from 8 to 7 liquidated alice.near they would have made less profit, by liquidating a smaller amount with a smaller collateral discount.
  • To fully realize the profit, bob.near has to take another action on some exchange and swap received 152 wNEAR for nDAI, which may involve extra fees and transactional risks. That's why liquidators may wait for higher discount.

Booster token

One of the assets may be designated as the Booster token. This asset can be staked (locked) for some given duration to become xBooster token. The amount of xBooster token depends on the amount of Booster token staked, the previous amount of xBooster token and the duration of the stake. xBooster token is non-transferrable and can not be unstaked until the staking duration expires.

xBooster token may be used to increase farm multiplier. See Farms section for details.

The following parameters in the config are used for Booster logic:

  • booster_token_id - the asset ID that is used as a booster token.
  • booster_decimals - the number of digits after decimal point for the booster token.
  • minimum_staking_duration_sec - the minimum duration in seconds that the booster token can be staked to get xBooster token.
  • maximum_staking_duration_sec - the maximum duration in seconds that the booster token can be staked to get xBooster token.
  • x_booster_multiplier_at_maximum_staking_duration - the multiplier of xBooster amount relative to Booster amount given at the maximum staking duration.

The account can only have one staking duration. It means if the account has staked some amount of Booster token before, the restaking can only be done for a longer duration from the current moment, than the expiration of the previous stake from the previous moment of staking.

For example if the account previously staked Booster for 6 months 1 month ago. The new staking duration should be at least 5 months (6 - 1).

To stake Booster token, an account should call account_stake_booster and pass amount (optional) and duration in seconds.

  • If the amount is not given than all existing booster token from the supplied assets of this account will be staked.
  • The duration should within range of minimum_staking_duration_sec and maximum_staking_duration_sec inclusive.
  • The current time + duration should be not less than the previous unlock time (if the previous stake exists).

The xBooster multiplier for a given duration is computed using the following formula:

xbooster_multiplier(duration) = 1 + (duration - minimum_staking_duration_sec) / (maximum_staking_duration_sec - minimum_staking_duration_sec) * (x_booster_multiplier_at_maximum_staking_duration / 10000 - 1)

If the previous xBooster exists, then we have the following values:

  • staked_booster_amount - the total amount of Booster token staked by the account.
  • x_booster_amount - the total amount of xBooster token received for staking.
  • unlock_timestamp - the timestamp when xBooster can be unstaked to get back the total Booster amount.

Compute the extra xBooster received for the new given amount and the duration:

extra_x_booster_amount = amount * xbooster_multiplier(duration)

If the previous xBooster stake exists then we compute the potential xBooster amount for the previous Booster token amount and the new duration, and then compute the actual total new xBooster amount from the maximum of the restaking or keeping the old xBooster amount:

potential_x_booster_amount = staked_booster_amount * xbooster_multiplier(duration)
total_xbooster_amount = max(x_booster_amount, potential_x_booster_amount) + extra_x_booster_amount

Once staked we remember the total Booster token amount staked, the new total xBooster amount and the unlock timestamp.

  • staked_booster_amount = staked_booster_amount + amount
  • x_booster_amount = total_xbooster_amount
  • unlock_timestamp = current time + sec_to_nano(duration)


A farm is identified by the type of the asset (supplied or borrowed) and the asset ID. That's why there can be at most N * 2 number of farms, where N is the number of different assets.

A farm can have multiple rewards: one reward per asset ID.

Each farm reward is identified by the asset ID it gives. The reward config includes:

  • reward_per_day - the amount of tokens split across farms participants daily based on their number of boosted shares (until there are no more remaining rewards).
  • booster_log_base - the log base for the xbooster amounts. It's used to compute boosted shares per account. The number includes decimals of the xBooster token. E.g. 100 * 1e18 is the log base of 100, if xBooster has 18 decimals.
  • remaining_rewards - the amount of the remaining tokens to be distributed.

For example to create a farm for 30 days and distribute 1000 tokens per day, the reward_per_day should be set to 1000 and the remaining rewards will be 30000.

Once the remaining_rewards becomes equal to 0, the farm stops distributing this reward.

Farm booster

The farming multiplier for each specific farm is calculated based on booster_log_base and x_booster_amount for the account.

booster_decimals is the number of decimals of the booster token. By default, it's 18.

booster_base = 10 ** token_decimals

If the account has x_booster_amount <= booster_base, then the multiplier is 1

If x_booster_amount > booster_base, then the farming multiplier is the following:

farming_multiplier = 1 + log(x_booster_amount / booster_base) / log(booster_log_base / booster_base)

Farming multiplier example

Let's say booster_log_base is 20 * 1e18.

If an account has x_booster_amount equal to:

  • 0, then farming_multiplier = 1
  • 1 * 1e18, then farming_multiplier = 1
  • 20 * 1e18, then farming_multiplier = 2
  • 400 * 1e18, then farming_multiplier = 3
  • 5 * 1e18, then farming_multiplier = 1.53724357368
Farm example

Let's say there is a farm for supplying USDC that gives 200 wNEAR per day and there are 2 users Alice and Bob.

The farm has the following config:

  • reward_per_day = 200 * 1e24 - 200 wNEAR per day

  • booster_log_base = 10 * 1e18 - 10 log base for xBooster

  • remaining_rewards = 30 * 200 * 1e24 - 30 days

  • Alice puts 300 USDC in to supplied and has 100 xBooster tokens.

  • Bob puts 50 USDC in to supplied and has 10 xBooster tokens.

Boosted shares are computed the following way:

  • Alice gets farming multiplier of 3X, so the number of boosted shares becomes 900 (300 * 3).
  • Bob gets farming multiplier of 2X, so the number of boosted shares becomes 100 (50 * 2).
  • The total is 1000 (900 + 100) boosted shares.

So Alice gets 90% of the rewards and Bob gets 10% of the rewards.

So by the end of the day:

  • Alice gets 180 wNEAR per day.
  • Bob gets 20 wNEAR per day.

Let's Charlie supplies 1000 USDC without xBooster tokens.

  • This adds 1000 boosted shares for Charlie. Now the total amount of boosted shares is 2000.
  • Alice gets 45% of the farm rewards equal to 90 wNEAR per day.
  • Bob gets 5% of the farm rewards equal to 10 wNEAR per day.
  • Charlie gets 50% of the farm rewards equal to 100 wNEAR per day.


Build (optional)

Requires Rust and wasm32 target.


Deploy on the testnet

Requires NEAR CLI to be installed.


This will provide a list of exports at the end. Execute them to get the CLI ready for further transactions.

Example exports:

export NEAR_ENV=testnet
export OWNER_ID=dev-1634411537975-18277461139961
export ORACLE_ID=dev-1634411553736-97024242878560
export CONTRACT_ID=dev-1634411561699-94876475207945
export BOOSTER_TOKEN_ID=ref.fakes.testnet
export WETH_TOKEN_ID=weth.fakes.testnet
export DAI_TOKEN_ID=dai.fakes.testnet
export USDT_TOKEN_ID=usdt.fakes.testnet
export WNEAR_TOKEN_ID=wrap.testnet
export ONE_YOCTO=0.000000000000000000000001
export GAS=200000000000000

Create a test account

Requires exports from running dev_deploy.


This will create a new test account with fake assets. Execute the export at the end to get the account ID.

Example export:

export ACCOUNT_ID=dev-1634680029152-10252684568108


Register account by paying for storage

This has to be done one per account.

near call $CONTRACT_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=0.1 storage_deposit '{}'

Supply some token

Let's supply 5 USDT. USDT has 6 decimals, so amount should be 5000000. For a simple deposit, the msg can be empty string.

near call $USDT_TOKEN_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=$ONE_YOCTO ft_transfer_call '{
  "receiver_id": "'$CONTRACT_ID'",
  "amount": "5000000",
  "msg": ""

View account information

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_account '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634682124572-99167526870966',
  supplied: [
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  collateral: [],
  borrowed: [],
  farms: []

Note: Since USDT asset has extra 12 decimals, it brings the 5 USDT in the balance to 5000000000000000000

View a given asset

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_asset '{"token_id": "'$USDT_TOKEN_ID'"}'

Example result:

  supplied: { shares: '5000000000000000000', balance: '5000000000000000000' },
  borrowed: { shares: '0', balance: '0' },
  reserved: '2000000000000000000000',
  last_update_timestamp: '1634682347763275349',
  config: {
    reserve_ratio: 2500,
    target_utilization: 8000,
    target_utilization_rate: '1000000000002440418605283556',
    max_utilization_rate: '1000000000039724853136740579',
    volatility_ratio: 9500,
    extra_decimals: 12,
    can_deposit: true,
    can_withdraw: true,
    can_use_as_collateral: true,
    can_borrow: true

Note: You can also see 2000000000000000000000 reserved. That's 2000 USDT from the owner.

Provide token as a collateral

Let's add all USDT to a collateral. If the amount for a given action is not specified, then all available amount will be used.

Increasing the collateral doesn't require prices from the oracle, because it can't decrease the existing collateral.

near call $CONTRACT_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=$ONE_YOCTO execute '{
  "actions": [
      "IncreaseCollateral": {
        "token_id": "'$USDT_TOKEN_ID'"

Let's view the account info again:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_account '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634682124572-99167526870966',
  supplied: [],
  collateral: [
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  borrowed: [],
  farms: []

Note, you can see the USDT asset was moved from supplied to collateral

Borrow a token

Let's borrow 1 DAI. DAI has 18 decimals, so the amount should be 1000000000000000000.

Since borrow action puts account into the debt, we have to call this action through the oracle. The oracle should provide prices for all assets in the collateral as well as all existing borrowed assets and the new borrowed asset.

The msg passed to the oracle should be string. Since it's part of the JSON, it has to be double-encoded and can't have newlines.

FYI: The message that we pass to the contract from the oracle is the following:

  "Execute": {
    "actions": [
        "Borrow": {
          "token_id": "dai.fakes.testnet",
          "amount": "1000000000000000000"
near call $ORACLE_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=$ONE_YOCTO oracle_call '{
  "receiver_id": "'$CONTRACT_ID'",
  "asset_ids": [
  "msg": "{\"Execute\": {\"actions\": [{\"Borrow\": {\"token_id\": \"'$DAI_TOKEN_ID'\", \"amount\": \"1000000000000000000\"}}]}}"

You should see a log message like: Account dev-1634682124572-99167526870966 borrows 1000000000000000000 of dai.fakes.testnet

Let's view the account info again:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_account '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634682124572-99167526870966', 
  supplied: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '1000000000048216105',
      shares: '1000000000000000000'
  collateral: [
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  borrowed: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '1000000000064288139',
      shares: '1000000000000000000'
  farms: []

Note, without extra action the borrowed assets are not withdrawn to the wallet, but instead supplied to earn interest. From there they can be withdrawn. You can also notice that the borrowed balance is larger than the supplied balance, that's because the some of the interest are going to the reserve.

If we view the account info again, then the balances should increase:

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634682124572-99167526870966',
  supplied: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '1000000000221528817',
      shares: '1000000000000000000'
  collateral: [
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  borrowed: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '1000000000295371755',
      shares: '1000000000000000000'
  farms: []

Let's view the DAI asset info:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_asset '{"token_id": "'$DAI_TOKEN_ID'"}'

Example result:

  supplied: { shares: '1000000000000000000', balance: '1000000000399150907' },
  borrowed: { shares: '1000000000000000000', balance: '1000000000532201209' },
  reserved: '2000000000000133050302',
  last_update_timestamp: '1634683708614246127',
  config: {
    reserve_ratio: 2500,
    target_utilization: 8000,
    target_utilization_rate: '1000000000002440418605283556',
    max_utilization_rate: '1000000000039724853136740579',
    volatility_ratio: 9500,
    extra_decimals: 0,
    can_deposit: true,
    can_withdraw: true,
    can_use_as_collateral: true,
    can_borrow: true

Withdrawing the asset

Let's withdraw all DAI including interest.

Withdrawing doesn't need oracle prices, because it can only be taken from the supplied and not from the collateral.

near call $CONTRACT_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=$ONE_YOCTO execute '{
  "actions": [
      "Withdraw": {
        "token_id": "'$DAI_TOKEN_ID'"

You should see the log, e.g. Account dev-1634682124572-99167526870966 withdraws 1000000001658903820 of dai.fakes.testnet

Now let's check the DAI balance (in the wallet) of the account:

near view $DAI_TOKEN_ID ft_balance_of '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result: 10001000000001658903820, which corresponds roughly to 10001 DAI, plus some extra earned interests.

Withdrawal from the contract was possible, because the owner has supplied DAI into the reserve.

Let's view the account info again:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_account '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634682124572-99167526870966',
  supplied: [],
  collateral: [
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  borrowed: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '1000000002496596924',
      shares: '1000000000000000000'
  farms: []

Notice, there is no supplied DAI anymore.

Let's view the DAI asset info:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_asset '{"token_id": "'$DAI_TOKEN_ID'"}'

Example result:

  supplied: { shares: '0', balance: '0' },
  borrowed: { shares: '1000000000000000000', balance: '1000000002551410252' },
  reserved: '2000000000000892506432',
  last_update_timestamp: '1634685033009246127',
  config: {
    reserve_ratio: 2500,
    target_utilization: 8000,
    target_utilization_rate: '1000000000002440418605283556',
    max_utilization_rate: '1000000000039724853136740579',
    volatility_ratio: 9500,
    extra_decimals: 0,
    can_deposit: true,
    can_withdraw: true,
    can_use_as_collateral: true,
    can_borrow: true

Deposit asset and repay it in one call.

Note, multiple actions can be combined into a single atomic update. Either all of them complete or all of them are reverted. The invariants are only checked at the end, so this may be used to replace one collateral with another without repaying debts (but this requires oracle pricing).

Let's deposit 5 DAI and use it to repay borrowed DAI. DAI has 18 decimal, so the amount is 5000000000000000000 For this we need to pass a custom msg to ft_transfer_call. The message has to be double-encoded into a string.

FYI: Non-encoded message in JSON:

  "Execute": {
    "actions": [
        "Repay": {
          "token_id": "dai.fakes.testnet"
near call $DAI_TOKEN_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=$ONE_YOCTO ft_transfer_call '{
  "receiver_id": "'$CONTRACT_ID'",
  "amount": "5000000000000000000",
  "msg": "{\"Execute\": {\"actions\": [{\"Repay\": {\"token_id\": \"'$DAI_TOKEN_ID'\"}}]}}"

You should see similar log messages:

Account dev-1634686749015-49146327775274 deposits 5000000000000000000 of dai.fakes.testnet
Account dev-1634686749015-49146327775274 repays 1000000001735752696 of dai.fakes.testnet

Let's view the account info again:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_account '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634686749015-49146327775274',
  supplied: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '3999999998264247304',
      shares: '3999999998264247304'
  collateral: [
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  borrowed: [],
  farms: []

Notice, there is no borrowed DAI anymore.

Let's view the DAI asset info:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_asset '{"token_id": "'$DAI_TOKEN_ID'"}'

Example result:

  supplied: { shares: '3999999998264247304', balance: '3999999998264247304' },
  borrowed: { shares: '0', balance: '0' },
  reserved: '2000000000001727179674',
  last_update_timestamp: '1634688121573861187',
  config: {
    reserve_ratio: 2500,
    target_utilization: 8000,
    target_utilization_rate: '1000000000002440418605283556',
    max_utilization_rate: '1000000000039724853136740579',
    volatility_ratio: 9500,
    extra_decimals: 0,
    can_deposit: true,
    can_withdraw: true,
    can_use_as_collateral: true,
    can_borrow: true

And no borrowed balance or shares after repaying.

Decreasing collateral

Since there is no borrowed assets, we can take the collateral without providing prices.

Let's get all USDT collateral back.

near call $CONTRACT_ID --accountId=$ACCOUNT_ID --gas=$GAS --amount=$ONE_YOCTO execute '{
  "actions": [
      "DecreaseCollateral": {
        "token_id": "'$USDT_TOKEN_ID'"

Let's view the account info again:

near view $CONTRACT_ID get_account '{"account_id": "'$ACCOUNT_ID'"}'

Example result:

  account_id: 'dev-1634686749015-49146327775274',
  supplied: [
      token_id: 'dai.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '3999999998264247304',
      shares: '3999999998264247304'
      token_id: 'usdt.fakes.testnet',
      balance: '5000000000000000000',
      shares: '5000000000000000000'
  collateral: [],
  borrowed: [],
  farms: []


Some tokens can be "landed" and some "burrowed"







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