This exercise will try to reflect the topics of every class.
Create a Parking Lot, this will contain a determinate number of Spots where you can place your Car. The main idea is to simulate the behavior of a parking lot where cars can be randomly added.
- Types ( Primitives / Wrappers / Enums )
- Arrays
- Classes
- Strings (StringBuffer/StringBuilder opcionales)
- Interfaces
- Heritage (Final Classes / Methods / Variables)
- Polymorphism
- Overloading
- Overriding (toString)
- Design Patterns (Singleton / Prototype / Builder / Factory)
- Big O'Notation opcional
- What is it?
- How to use it? (Comparable / Comparator / Iterators / Collections utility class)
- Utils
- Unboxing / Autoboxing
- Equals, Hashcode, toString
- Sorting
- Annotations
- PreparedStatement vs Statement
- Create an easy ORM.
Concurrency Java API Thread Pools Reactive Apps using the Reactor Pattern.