Releases: Netflix/OpenVPCal
Having received feedback and requests we are pleased to release an update to OpenVPCal.
Note: New Projects should be started from new and old ocio configs should be replaced.
Feature: OCIO Config Views/ColourSpaces/Transforms renamed to make the config cleaner, and more obvious as to what should be used by the user vs what is internally within the ocio config itself. Includes updates to LUTs and CLF files to also be clearer.
Feature: Support DPX & TIFF input plates you can now load sequences in formats other than EXR
Feature: Input Plate Conversion - To support other input file formats, plates are now converted from the input plate gamut to the reference gamut if they differ.
Feature Reference Gamut: Exposed the reference gamut which currently only supports ACES2065-1
Feature - CLI Error Logging - Added an option to the CLI to provide a log file in which to capture the responses of errors in a simple json format.
Feature - CLI SPG - Added an option to generate the SPG patterns from command line, configuring the SPG spec will follow in future releases to allow customisation.
Fix: Custom Gamuts When Added Also Set To Active Led Wall
Fix: Added handling for severely uncalibrated panels which caused ROI and frame sep to fail, as walls so off colour detecting red and green patches failed
Fix: Added handling for validation warnings due to uncalibrated panels causing the 18% and peak lum eotf tracking to be wildly incorrect.
Fix: Relabelled Native Camera Gamut to Shooting Camera Gamut to avoid confusion, this is the camera being used on the led shoot and used to perform the calibration not the camera that was used to shoot the original plates.
Docs - Updated Documentation On New OCIO Config Names
Docs - Added Documentation on CLI commands
Docs - Added Documentation for SPG
Docs - Added Examples Of Issues SPG exhibits when encountering the more common imaging chain misconfigurations
What's Changed
Fix: Ensure that when we calculate the start and end frame for the patches after the EOTF ramp correctly
#46 -
Fix: Frame separation detection now falls back to detect changes in the frame, to detect the first two patches rather than rely on colour red and green, where cases of extreme calibration force images to appear almost blue in camera red and green detection would fail!
@davisadam10 in #47 -
Fix: Remove the unneeded check for the camera gamut being the same as target gamut
#48 -
Fix: Make the labels for the custom gamut x & y vs X & Y
by @davisadam10 in #49 -
Fix: Add in resizing of the calibration patch generation so works correctly
1.0.0 Release
Dear OpenVPCal community,
Finally, today, almost 2 years after its original presentation at SIGGRAPH 2022, we released OpenVPCal as an open-source project.
OpenVPCal has been an incredible collaborative journey. Since its original development by Netflix and ORCA Studios, it has benefited from the input of the entire Virtual Production community and all of you amazing beta testers.
A final "thank you" goes to the other industry-run open-source projects that are fundamental to OpenVPCal: OCIO, OIIO, ACES and Colour Science for Python, to mention the most important ones!
I wish to thank you all, on behalf of all the co-authors (Adam, Carol, Daniel and Adrian). I am excited to see this tool finally out in the wild!
We invite you all to contribute to this project moving forward.
What's Changed
- Renaming External White to White Point Offset
- Update
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 12
Addressing Issues From Beta Testing as we prepare for release
- Allow Custom Gamuts As Camera Native Gamuts - Allow cameras which do not have a predefined colourspace to be added as custom gamuts
- Add Custom Gamuts From RGB_To_XYZ Matrix - Where cameras do not provide primaries in xy, add and calculate from the camera matrix
- SPG Patterns now generated with the Custom Gamuts in mind
- Correct colourspace name for Black Magic Cameras
- EXR files are created as 16-bit (half), float is overkill and reduces compatibility in some applications
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 11
- Re Tweaked The Separation Detection Threshold For The Green Frame Post Calibration During sRGB EOTF Workflows
- Added Unit Test To Cover
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 10
- Add Fix When Using sRGB as the EOTF
- Adjust The Separation Detection Of The First Green Frame When The Colour Shift Is So Severe Its No Longer Green!
- Update All Unit Tests To Ensure Separation Detection Still Works In All Use Cases
- Added Error Handling To The CLI So Any Errors Are Raised From Each Of The Phases
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 9
Updated Slate Text Instructions
Added Initial User Guide
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 8
What's Changed
- Added handling for Separation and Auto ROI detection failures which occur when shooting of axis such as ceilings and floors
- Decoupled CLI from any modules which required PySide, introducing a BaseApplication
- Added Additional SPG patches by default for more granular stepped ramps
- On Windows runs in non windowed mode which allows the cli to behave like a normal cli, as well as no longer triggering virus warnings
Misc small fixes
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 7
What's Changed
- Added Suport For Apple Silicon Native Compilation
- Migrated To Python3.11 as pre the VFX Reference Platform
- Fix For Nan Handling
- SPG Export Folder Fixed
1.0.0 Release Candidate - 6
What's Changed
- Add handling for nan values when the cv2 detection of the macbeth fails by @davisadam10 in #8
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-rc5...v1.0.0-rc.6