Explore hospital quality data for Atlanta area hospitals.
- Published: by Sept. 15!
- Lives here: http://hospitals.myajc.com/
- Hosted here:
- Data covers period through:
- Infections: 3/31/2015
- Complications: 3/31/2014
- Readmissions: 6/30/2014
- Perinatal early births: 4/1/14 - 3/31/15
- underscore
- backbone
- backbone.marionette
- backbone.select for keeping the nav selections updated
- backbone.localstorage to utilize session storage
- font-awesome to loading spinner
##Helpful links
- Main hospital compare site
- Hospital Compare measure definitions
- Hospital Compare data set homepage
- Complications data set
- Complications API docs
- Readmissions and Deaths data set
- Readmissions and Deaths API docs
- Data updates
- Hospital acquired infections hospitals data set
- Hospital acquired infections national data set
- Hospital acquired infections state data set
- Rate = Ratio
- Range (popup) is the confidence interval
##Improvements on original hospital quality app
- Active menu item is highlighted
- filters have routes so you can bookmark a particular infection view
- hospitals have routes too
- nav sub-app to handle navigation and routes properly
- infections have standardized attributes so you don't need to reset them to a hacky default
- dropdown menu accurately reflects selected filter on refresh/navigate
- state average no longer hard-coded into the view
- Comma formatted patient days
- selected hospital stays highlighted if it re-enters after exiting due to filters
- Mobile hospital table much better looking!
- Display hospital address on all sections that show hospital detail view (consistency)
- Perinatal axis labels formatting (currency, %, SI-prefixed)
- Bars reflecting percentages are on a scale of 100
- Use the Hospital Compare API to find the state and national averages
- Sources for perinatal - "public reports" is probably not sufficient
- "Percent of births performed by C-Section"/"Rate of early elective deliveries" - Can we call rate percent?
- Spell out infection names in infection bottom text
- Figure out what's wrong with
grunt task and add it back in - fix filter URLs so you can provide multiple filter parameters (i.e. hospital and infection)
- If someone clicks on already active nav item it shouldn't reload the layout
- What if local storage is disabled?
- Option to keep hospitals in same order so you can compare how they rate across categories
- Marionette.TemplateCache for faster rendering using
##How to update
open the "hospital_compare" table on the interanet data server (add new data if necessary)
To update:
- upload new data to the database (Carrie or John usually does this)
- make sure all views/tables specified in config/sql.json (should be "hospital_totals_web", "HAI_transposed", "hip_knee", "perinatal", "ER_waits") are pointing to the updated dataset (parent table for hospital_totals_web definitely needs to be changed to reflect new date string, year string needs to be change in perinatal.sql) and queries referencing dates/years have been updated
- run
grunt sql_bakery
- run py/organizeJSON.py to create the restructured JSON files
Perinatal comes from AHQ database as well as hospital_compare. State level data is in AHQ and needs to be averaged manually (perinatal_state_avgs_web is set up to do this, remember to change the year in the query if necessary).