This was my 2017 summer internship project. I wrote the back-end/front-end in clojure/clojurescript. It has been modified to not require a database, but one could be easily hooked up. All of the data is generated dummy data. The idea behind this site was to make an interal facing tool that hosts our analytics team's reports, displays them, generates insights from the data, and allows you to filter and download the data.
Because some information has been changed to 1) Protect confidential information, 2) Keep the company this project was built for anonymous, and 3) Make this as easy to run as possible (for example, there is no database) there are a few issues. Three known issues are you can't change the participant ID, you can't download the data, and you can't change your password. Please contact me for more information on this project.
You will need Leiningen 2.0 or above and sassc installed.
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein figwheel
lein run
Connect to localhost:3000. The email and password I have manually included are: [email protected] supersecret
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