Currently running at
test login account username : test
, password : 12345
To run this project you must first have installed mongodb and get it running, you can follow the instructions for your operating system here
- Change directory to /client
- Run
npm i
command - Create a new file named
, following instructions of the example fileexample.env.js
- Run
npm start
command to serve the front end ornpm run dev
for hot module reloading during development
- Change directory to /server
- Run
npm i
command - Create a new file named
and the enviroments settings, following the instructions of the example fileexample.env
- Run
npm start
command to start the server ornpm run dev
to use nodemon for file reloading during development
This application is a showcase of using websockets along side
redux to send actions from the server to the client and most of the work was put on the router used by the server to send actions server/src/lib/socketApp
Some notable features of the router are
- Middleware
- Routing
The main implemented features for the React Chat App are :
- Notifications
- Login/Register System using
- Friend System (Invite, Accept - Reject, Delete)
- Conversations (Create a new one with a friend and invite other people to join)