Very simple python module to interface with google nest. Finally Google provides access to Nest thermostats in their new API. I wrote this simple module to access and control my thermostat. You need to edit the code and add your own IDs to get it to work. Just follow the comments.
Very simple insert statement so that it is straighforward to log data from mynest. You need to edit to code to get it to work for your situation
This example runs a loop, It pulls information from mynest. If the observed temperature range is more than 2 degrees it turns on the fan (if in AC mode and not already cooling) then it logs the data into mysql and sleeps for 20 minutes each time.
If you have mysql installed and your python code logging data, you can install grafana:
Create a new mysql user in mysql:
Grant it only 'SELECT' access to your mynestdb table. Create a datasource to your local mysql database in grafana from its webinterface. You can import the two json example panels.