MashCode is a fun 1v1 competitive programming platform.
- Rating-based LIVE matchmaking.
- Supports 30 languages.
- Dynamic flex layout during match and practice sessions.
- CSES set 300 questions that are already available for practice.
- A problemsetter dashboard.
- Viewing previous submissions and code.
- Friends.
- Private unrated matches between friends.
- Multiple problems per match.
- Interactive problems.
- Time limit per match.
- Seasons and ranks (for rating).
- Difficulty of questions.
Make sure you have the Nix package manager installed.
Clone the project
git clone cd mashcode
file in thebackend
directory using the.env.example
file.cp backend/.env.example backend/.env # Make sure you fill the missing github credentials
Enable nix shell.
nix develop --no-pure-eval
Run the project.
devenv up