- Create a proper README
- Create a proper documentation of the protocol
- Implement CheckSum 2s Complement
- Implement set temperature method
- Implement On/Off
- Implement Sleep Mode
- Implement Turbo mode
- Implement Fan speed
- Implement Swing
- Implement Air flow
- Implement different modes
- Implement 16-31 Temperature options
- Create a better estimation of the High and Low value used by the IR protocol -- This requeries reading multiple commands and making an average of them
- https://www.analysir.com/blog/2014/03/19/air-conditioners-problems-recording-long-infrared-remote-control-signals-arduino/
- http://www.scadacore.com/field-tools/programming-calculators/online-checksum-calculator/
- http://irq5.io/2012/08/11/infrared-remote-control-protocols-part-2/
- https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote