To learn more before you start working with icptree, see the following documentation available online:
- Quick Start
- SDK Developer Tools
- Motoko Programming Language Guide
- Motoko Language Quick Reference
- JavaScript API Reference
0.install vessel
1.Download the binary file from
2.Open the /usr/local/bin
directory via terminal, hold the binary and drag it into this directory
3.Then source the configuration file, if you are using zsh, you can run: source ~/.zshrc
npm install or npm install --legacy-peer-deps
# Starts the replica, running in the background
dfx start --background
# Deploys your canisters to the replica and generates your candid interface
dfx deploy
Once the job completes, your application will be available at http://localhost:8000?canisterId={asset_canister_id}
Additionally, if you are making frontend changes, you can start a development server with
npm run dev
Which will start a server at http://localhost:8080
, proxying API requests to the replica at port 8000.
sudo dfx deploy --no-wallet --network ic
dev ohydk-giaaa-aaaal-qbahq-cai
prod h637e-ziaaa-aaaaj-aaeaa-cai