The Discover-engine is responsible for:
- daily scrapping of github's stats of public repos that are listed in our database;
- data parsing;
- store the scrapped data in database;
- implement and provide an API for accessing the data in the database.
###Database schema
document :
project = {
name = String,
proposed_pull_requests = [{date: Date, info: String}],
merged_pull_requests = [{date: Date, info: String}],
closed_issues = [{date: Date, info: String}],
new_issues = [{date: Date, info: String}],
meta: {
organization: String,
description: String,
github: String,
website: String,
###Cronjob flow every midnight (GMT)
- queries all the project's stats from its daily pulse at github;
- parses the results;
- add the results to the database
The Discover-engine will be running a express webserver to serve the data that is in the database. The RESTful endpoints that are accessible at this point are:
- GET /data/:project_name: gets all data from the document <project_name>
- GET /data: gets all the data from all documents