Distributor In Background add-on is for extending the Distributor plug-in (see DistributorPlugin.com) functionality to handle actions via cron job in background. Recommended to use in combination with WP Task Manager plug-in to maintain more control over the scheduled tasks, otherwise tasks will be scheduled via Wordpress cron.
- PHP 5.6+
- WordPress 4.7+
- Distributor plug-in (recommended with Distributor fork)
At the moment, Distributor In Background add-on is not yet compatible with the original [Distributor] plug-in (https://github.com/10up/distributor), therefore, please use our Distributor fork.
Once you have Distributor installed, download the latest master build and install on your website.
You just need to have Distributor In Background add-on installed on the "source", no additional configuration required. Please note that this add-on was tested for single-site installation with external connections.