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Murtaza-OSI committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent 1bea495 commit 1b89340
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Showing 4 changed files with 117 additions and 145 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
"data": [],
"data": ["views/account_journal.xml",],
"demo": [],
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,3 +11,6 @@ class AccountJournal(models.Model):
selection_add=[("factofrance", "FactoFrance")],
ondelete={"factofrance": "set null"},
is_factor_sale_journal = fields.Boolean(
string='Is Factor Sale Journal (310 Export)',
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,15 @@ class SubrogationReceipt(models.Model):

def _get_domain_for_factor(self, factor_type, factor_journal, currency=None):
domain = super(SubrogationReceipt, self)._get_domain_for_factor()
domain = super(SubrogationReceipt, self)._get_domain_for_factor(
factor_type, factor_journal, currency
# TODO: Improve with ref.
updated_domain = [
# From an eligible customer
("partner_id.factor_journal_id", "=",,
# From a specific sales journal (310 Export)
(line.journal_id.type == "sale" or "310 VENTES EXPORT")

("journal_id.type", "=", "sale"),
("journal_id.is_factor_sale_journal", "=", True),
# Pay and invoice previously sent fr factoring
("subrogation_id", "=", False),
# Also include the related expenses if payment was under the total amount
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,18 +59,20 @@ def _prepare_factor_file_data_factofrance(self):
raise UserError(msg)
if not self.statement_date:
raise UserError(_("Vous devez spécifier la date du dernier relevé"))
body, max_row, balance = self._get_factofrance_body()
header = self._get_factofrance_header()
# check_column_size(header)

body, max_row, balance = self._get_factofrance_body()
# 5 / 0
ender = self._get_factofrance_ender(max_row, balance)
# check_column_size(ender)
raw_data = f"{header}{RETURN}{body}{RETURN}{ender}{RETURN}".replace(
"False", " "
data = clean_string(raw_data)
# check there is no regression in columns position
check_column_position(raw_data, self.factor_journal_id, False)
check_column_position(data, self.factor_journal_id)
# check_column_position(raw_data, self.factor_journal_id, False)
# check_column_position(data, self.factor_journal_id)
dev_mode = tools.config.options.get("dev_mode")
if dev_mode and dev_mode[0][-3:] == "pdb" or False:
# make debugging easier saving file on filesystem to check
Expand All @@ -92,38 +95,61 @@ def _prepare_factor_file_data_factofrance(self):
def _get_factofrance_header(self):
self = self.sudo()
info = {
"factor_code": self.factor_journal_id.factor_code,
"create_date": factofrance_date(self.create_date),
"identification_type": "1",
"country_codes": self.company_id.country_id.code,
"company_identifiers": self.company_id.siret or self.company_id.vat,
"file_sequence_number": 1, # TODO: auto increment
"operation_type": "000000",
"factor_code": pad(self.factor_journal_id.factor_code, 4),
"company_name": pad(, 10),
"create_date": pad(factofrance_date(self.create_date), 50),
"identification_type": pad("1", 118),
"country_codes": pad("2", 119, " "),
"company_identifiers": pad(
self.company_id.siret or self.company_id.vat, 120, " "
"file_sequence_number": pad(, 136, " "),
"currency": pad(, 352, " "),
"operation_type": pad("000000", 355, " "),
return info

string = "100{factor_code}{company_name}{create_date}{identification_type}{country_codes}"
string += (
return string.format(**info)

def _get_factofrance_ender(self, max_row, balance):
self = self.sudo()
invoices = self.item_ids.filtered(lambda line: not line.is_refund and line.move_id.move_type in ('out_invoice'))
credit_notes = self.item_ids.filtered(lambda line: line.is_refund and line.move_id.move_type in ('out_refund'))
invoices = self.item_ids.filtered(
lambda line: not line.is_refund
and line.move_id.move_type in ("out_invoice")
credit_notes = self.item_ids.filtered(
lambda line: line.is_refund and line.move_id.move_type in ("out_refund")
info = {
"factor_code": self.factor_journal_id.factor_code,
"create_date": factofrance_date(self.create_date),
"number_of_invoices": len(invoices.mapped("move_id")),
"total_amount_of_invoices": sum(invoices.mapped("move_id.amount_total")),

"number_of_credit_notes": len(credit_notes.mapped("move_id")),
"total_amount_of_credit_notes": sum(credit_notes.mapped("move_id.amount_total")),

"number_of_payments": len(self.item_ids.mapped("move_id")),
"total_amount_of_payments": sum(self.item_ids.mapped("move_id.amount_total")),

"operation_type": "000000",
"code": pad("199", 1),
"factor_code": pad(self.factor_journal_id.factor_code, 4, " "),
"company_name": pad(, 10, " "),
"create_date": pad(factofrance_date(self.create_date), 50, " "),
"number_of_invoices": pad(len(invoices.mapped("move_id")), 58, " "),
# "total_amount_of_invoices": pad(sum(invoices.mapped("move_id.amount_total")), ),
# "number_of_credit_notes": len(credit_notes.mapped("move_id")),
# "total_amount_of_credit_notes": sum(
# credit_notes.mapped("move_id.amount_total")
# ),
# "number_of_payments": len(self.item_ids.mapped("move_id")),
# "total_amount_of_payments": sum(
# self.item_ids.mapped("move_id.amount_total")
# ),
# "currency":,
"operation_type": pad("000000", 355, " "),
string = "{code}{factor_code}{company_name}{create_date}{number_of_invoices}{operation_type}"
return string.format(**info)

def get_code(self, move):
if move.move_type == "out_invoice":
code = "101"
elif move.move_type == "out_refund":
code = "102"
# elif move.move_type == ''
return code

def _get_factofrance_body(self):
self = self.sudo()
Expand All @@ -134,118 +160,46 @@ def _get_factofrance_body(self):
partner = line.move_id.partner_id.commercial_partner_id
if not partner:
raise UserError(f"Pas de partenaire sur la pièce {line.move_id}")
total = move.amount_total_in_currency_signed
info = {
"code": move.move_type,
"create_date": factofrance_date(move.create_date),
"factor_code": self.factor_journal_id.factor_code,
"company_identifiers": self.company_id.siret or self.company_id.vat,
"document": "siret" if partner.siret else "vat",
"customer_street": partner.street,
"customer_street2": partner.street2,
"customer_country_code": partner.country_id.code,
"customer_phone": or,
"customer_ref": partner.ref,
"date": factofrance_date(move.invoice_date or,
"amount_sign": move.amount_total_signed,
"amount": move.amount_total,
# "payment_mode":
"invoice_due_date": factofrance_date(move.invoice_date_due),
"customer_order_reference": move.ref,
"code": pad(self.get_code(move), 1, " "),
"create_date": pad(factofrance_date(move.create_date), 4, " "),
"factor_code": pad(self.factor_journal_id.factor_code, 12, " "),
"company_identifiers": pad(
self.company_id.siret or self.company_id.vat, 18, " "
"document": pad("siret" if partner.siret else "vat", 18, " "),
"document2": pad("", 27, " "),
"customer_name": pad(, 32, " "),
"customer_street": pad(partner.street, 112, " "),
"customer_street2": pad(partner.street2, 152, " "),
"customer_zip_code": pad(, 192, " "),
"delivery_office": pad("", 198, " "),
"customer_country_code": pad(partner.country_id.code, 232, " "),
"customer_phone": pad( or, 235, " "),
"customer_ref": pad(partner.ref, 245, " "),
"date": pad(factofrance_date(move.invoice_date or, 255, " "),
"number": pad(, 263, " "),
"currency": pad(, 278, " "),
# "amount_sign": pad(move.amount_total_signed, ), # TODO
"amount": pad(move.amount_total, 282, " "),
# "payment_mode":
# "invoice_due_date": factofrance_date(move.invoice_date_due),
"customer_order_reference": pad(move.ref, 308, " "),
# "journal_code":
"operation_type": get_type_piece(move)
"operation_type": get_type_piece(move),
return row

# def _get_factofrance_header(self):
# self = self.sudo()
# info = {
# "code": pad(self.company_id.bpce_factor_code, 6, 0),
# "devise":,
# "name": pad(, 25),
# "statem_date": bpce_date(self.statement_date),
# "date": bpce_date(,
# "idfile": pad(, 3, 0),
# "reserved": pad(" ", 208),
# "format": FORMAT_VERSION,
# }
# string = "01000001138{code}{devise}{name}{statem_date}{date}"
# string += "{idfile}{format}{reserved}"
# return string.format(**info)

# def _get_factofrance_ender(self, max_row, balance):
# self = self.sudo()
# info = {
# "seq": pad(max_row + 2, 6, 0),
# "code": pad(self.company_id.bpce_factor_code, 6, 0),
# "name": pad([:25], 25),
# "balance": pad(round(balance * 100), 13, 0),
# "reserved": pad(" ", 220),
# }
# return "09{seq}138{code}{name}{balance}{reserved}".format(**info)
balance += total
fstring = "{code}{create_date}{company_identifiers}{document}{document2}{customer_name}{customer_street}"
fstring += "{customer_zip_code}{delivery_office}{customer_country_code}{customer_phone}{customer_ref}{date}"
fstring += (
string = fstring.format(**info)
# check_column_size(string, fstring, info)
return (RETURN.join(rows), len(rows), balance)

# def _get_factofrance_body(self):
# self = self.sudo()
# sequence = 1
# rows = []
# balance = 0
# for line in self.line_ids:
# move = line.move_id
# partner = line.move_id.partner_id.commercial_partner_id
# if not partner:
# raise UserError(f"Pas de partenaire sur la pièce {line.move_id}")
# sequence += 1
# name = pad(, 30, position="left")
# p_type = get_type_piece(move)
# total = move.amount_total_in_currency_signed
# info = {
# "seq": pad(sequence, 6, 0),
# "siret": pad(" ", 14)
# if not partner.siret
# else pad(partner.siret, 14, 0, position="left"),
# "pname": pad([:15], 15, position="left"),
# "ref_cli": pad(partner.ref, 10, position="left"),
# "res1": pad(" ", 5),
# "activity": "D"
# if partner.country_id == self.env.ref("")
# else "E",
# "res2": pad(" ", 9),
# "cmt": pad(" ", 20),
# "piece": name,
# "piece_factor": get_piece_factor(name, p_type),
# "type": p_type,
# "paym": "VIR"
# if p_type == "FAC"
# else " ", # TODO only VIR is implemented
# "date": bpce_date(move.invoice_date if p_type == "FAC" else,
# "date_due": bpce_date(move.invoice_date_due) or pad(" ", 8),
# "total": pad(round(abs(total) * 100), 13, 0),
# "devise":,
# "res3": " ",
# "eff_non_echu": " ", # TODO
# "eff_num": pad(" ", 7), # TODO
# "eff_total": pad("", 13, 0), # effet total TODO not implemented
# "eff_imputed": pad("", 13, 0), # effet imputé TODO not implemented
# "rib": pad(" ", 23), # TODO
# "eff_echeance": pad(" ", 8), # date effet echeance TODO not implemented
# "eff_pull": pad(" ", 10), # reférence tiré/le nom TODO not implemented
# # 0: traite non accepté, 1: traite accepté, 2: BOR TODO not implemented
# "eff_type": " ",
# "res4": pad(" ", 17),
# }
# balance += total
# fstring = "02{seq}{siret}{pname}{ref_cli}{res1}{activity}{res2}{cmt}"
# fstring += "{piece}{piece_factor}{type}{paym}{date}{date_due}"
# fstring += "{total}{devise}{res3}{eff_non_echu}{eff_num}{eff_total}"
# fstring += "{eff_imputed}{rib}{eff_echeance}{eff_pull}{eff_type}{res4}"
# string = fstring.format(**info)
# check_column_size(string, fstring, info)
# rows.append(string)
# return (RETURN.join(rows), len(rows), balance)

def get_piece_factor(name, p_type):
if not p_type:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,6 +240,7 @@ def get_type_piece(move):
def factofrance_date(date_field):
return date_field.strftime("%Y%m%d")

def bpce_date(date_field):
return date_field.strftime("%d%m%Y")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,6 +277,7 @@ def debug(content, suffix=""):

def check_column_size(string, fstring=None, info=None):
print("\n string", string)
if len(string) != 275:
if fstring and info:
fstring = fstring.replace("{", "|{")
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@

<record id="view_account_journal_form_inherit_factofr" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="model">account.journal</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="account.view_account_journal_form" />
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<field name="type" position="after">
<field name="is_factor_sale_journal" invisible="type != 'sale'" />

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