- Edited by Baseliyos Jacob, DB Cargo AG.
- All OCORA deliverables or artefacts e.g. within tender documents, guidelines, feedback, ... refereing to OCORA licence requirements must be published and licensed under the dual licensing Terms EUPL 1.2 (Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/863 of 18 May 2017) and the terms and condition of the Attributions- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license or its national version (in particular CC-BY -SA 3.0 DE)
- Any questions to the OCORA licence model and publication, please drop a "Question to the OCORA licence model and publication by mail" to ([email protected] or [email protected]).
- Edited by Baseliyos Jacob, DB Cargo AG.
- Overview of the open OCORA repositories as working platform within railway sector and every interest party.
- This Guideline is for every interest party who has questions to the OCORA deliverables or wants to collaborate by reviewing, improving or working actively on the OCORA deliverables.
- For active collaboration (within the OCORA framework) the OCORA Code of Conduct and Member Agreement must be accepted and signed. In case of interest for active collaboration and you are a eligible to become a partner according to the OCORA Code of conduct, please drop a "interest of becoming a OCORA member by mail" to ([email protected]).
- All OCORA deliverables and work will be published and licensed under the dual licensing Terms EUPL 1.2 (Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/863 of 18 May 2017) and the terms and condition of the Attributions- ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license or its national version (in particular CC-BY -SA 3.0 DE).
- Feel free to help me to improve this guiding page. Please document your helping and welcome proposals here.
- I. Apply, Implement, Review, ... OCORA release under EUPL 1.2.
- II. Report findings, improvements, CR´s, ...
- III.a. Formal review with OCORA via direct request by using the OCORA feedback form here (please contact [email protected])
- III.b. Formal review with OCORA via issue tracker - drop an issue here. See below for further instructions to register for an issue tracker, generate an issue, ... .
- As next steps see figure below
If you have already a git-hub username and registration: Please send me your git-hub username and the requested repository you need access to ([email protected] and [email protected]). Access will grant as soon requirements are fulfilled. Requirements to be reviewed in the table below. As soon your request has been approved by the admin ([email protected] and [email protected]), you will receive an invitation email, which need to be confirmed. Access is grant as soon you confirm the invitation and you are logged in.
Username: Please assemble your username by using Surname + lastname + company to have full transparency about the user e.g. BaseliyosJacobDB!!!
If you haven not already a git-hub username and registration: Please register here and send your username for access to the requested repository you need to access to the admin ([email protected]). Next step: please read "if you have already a git-hub username and registration."
- Username: Please assemble your username by using Surname + lastname + company to have full transparency about the use e.g. BaseliyosJacobDBCargo - this is required to get access!!! Thank you very much.
- Go to the requested repository.
- Click on issues.
- Click on the requested issues or use use the sort funtion.