Add a file in the folder _staff in the following format
# this person's full name
name: someone
# file name of a propfile photo for this person
photo: unknown.jpg
# the url this page should be shown on. Default will be /staff/filename.html
permalink: /someone
# the role for this person that will be shown on the staff page
role: role in the lab
# the academic awards for this person
quals: graduate awards
# Rank determines the order this person's image will be shown on the staff or emeritus page
rank: 1 = PI, 2=PostDoc, 3=PhD 4=honours 5=undergrad
# fill in this field to show the person's email on this page
email: email address
# {{}}
### {{page.quals}}
![{{}}](/images/{{ }})
* [{{}}](mailto:{{}})
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
[Some link](
![Some image](/images/unknown.jpg)
Fill in all the fields in the front matter. Add a photo in the /images folder, and put the file name in the photo field, or select unknown.jpg. You can copy the file as is to and from the _emeritus folder. Replace the lipsum text with further markdown content
Add a file in the folder _staff in the following format
# Enter a title to be shown on the news page
title: ""
# Date is used to reverse chronologically sort the items
date: 2018-05-18
# categories are TV, Publications, Awards, Other
categories: Publications
# Published
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
[Some link](
![Some image](/images/unknown.jpg)
Add a file in the folder _publications in the following format
# Enter a title to be shown on the publish page
title: ""
# date is used to chronologically sort the items
date: 2018-01-25
# year is used to chronologically group publications
year: 2018
# cite is the citation of the publication
cite: ""
# When DOI is provided the entry will have a link
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191882
# First author used to sort the publications alphabetically
FI: Condic-Jurkic
# Published