Issues discovered through accessibility testing
This PR contains at least one breaking change
This PR makes changes to the CI/CD process
An issue raised on the community backlog
A component in the ONS Design System
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Don't merge this PR until this label is removed
Documentation content or feature for the design system website
Change of existing feature
To make the issue appear in 'working on now' on the Service Manual
Needs input from Interaction design
Issues that require additional content design or user research
A proposal for a new component, pattern, style or documentation to add to the ONS Design System
Cannot be worked on until blocking issue(s) are resolved
A pattern in the ONS Design System
Refined during tech refinement session
Requires documentation in the Service Manual website before this is released
Requires investigation outside BAU work
A style in the ONS Design System
Tech debt, cleanup, code standardisation etc.