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EQ Launcher

This project was copied from and should be used for v3 of runner.

Building and Running

Install Go and ensure that your GOPATH env variable is set (usually it's ~/go).

go get
go build

go run launch.go (Does both the build and run cmd above)

Open http://localhost:8000/


The dockerfile is a multistage dockerfile which can be built using:

docker build -t eq-questionnaire-launcher:latest .

You can then run the image using SURVEY_RUNNER_SCHEMA_URL to point it at an instance of survey runner.

docker run -e SURVEY_RUNNER_SCHEMA_URL=http://localhost:5000 -it -p 8000:8000 onsdigital/eq-questionnaire-launcher:latest

The syntax for this will be slightly different on Mac

docker run -e SURVEY_RUNNER_SCHEMA_URL=http://host.docker.internal:5000 -it -p 8000:8000 onsdigital/eq-questionnaire-launcher:latest

You should then be able to access go launcher at localhost:8000

You can also run a Survey Register for launcher to load Schemas from

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 onsdigital/eq-survey-register:simple-rest-api

Run Quick-Launch

If the schema specifies a schema_name field, that will be used as the schema_name claim. If not, the filename from the URL (before .) will be used.

Run Questionnaire Launcher


Now run Go launcher and navigate to "http://localhost:8000/quick-launch?schema_url=" passing the url of the JSON


The optional query parameter version can be added to the quick launch url which allows for the launch payload structure to be specified. If the parameter is not set then the default launch payload structure v2 will be used. Documentation on the v2 structure can be found here


Commands for Formatting & Linting

Ensure you are using the correct version of node using:

nvm install
nvm use

To install ESLint and Prettier for formatting and linting of static files use:

npm install

Firstly, ensure you have Python & Poetry installed and then install djLint for formatting and linting template files using:

poetry install

Note: Before being able to run lint-go, you will need to install the external tool golangci-lint. The command to install the tool is brew install golangci-lint and to upgrade it use brew upgrade golangci-lint. Visit to see additional ways to install the tool.

Command Task
make format-static Formats all static files (Javascipt and CSS)
make format-templates Formats all HTML files and shows the changes to be made
make format-go Formats all the Golang files
make format Formats all files listed above
make lint-static Lints all static files and reports any issues
make lint-templates Lints all HTML files and reports any issues
make lint-go Lints all Golang files using an external tool
make lint Lints all files listed above

Design System

To update the design system version, you need to update the version within the CDN link, they are present in both template files (layout and launch)



Environment Variable Meaning Default
GO_LAUNCH_A_SURVEY_LISTEN_HOST Host address to listen on
GO_LAUNCH_A_SURVEY_LISTEN_PORT Host port to listen on 8000
SURVEY_RUNNER_URL URL of Questionnaire Runner to re-direct to when launching a survey http://localhost:5000
SURVEY_REGISTER_URL URL of eq-survey-register to load schema list from http://localhost:8080
SDS_API_BASE_URL URL of the SDS API to fetch supplementary data from http://localhost:5003
JWT_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH Path to the JWT Encryption Key (PEM format) jwt-test-keys/sdc-user-authentication-encryption-sr-public-key.pem
JWT_SIGNING_KEY_PATH Path to the JWT Signing Key (PEM format) jwt-test-keys/sdc-user-authentication-signing-launcher-private-key.pem
OIDC_TOKEN_BACKEND The backend to use when fetching the Open ID Connect token gcp
OIDC_TOKEN_VALIDITY_IN_SECONDS The time in seconds an OIDC token is valid 3600
OIDC_TOKEN_LEEWAY_IN_SECONDS The leeway to use when validating OIDC tokens 300
SDS_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID The OAuth2 Client ID used when setting up IAP on the SDS
CIR_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID The OAuth2 Client ID used when setting up IAP on the CIR
SDS_ENABLED_IN_ENV Signifies if the SDS service is enabled in the environment true