MIT license with additional text to prohibit use by people and organizations support Russia's war against Ukraine.
Additions to the MIT license to prohibit use by people and organizations supporting Russia's war against Ukraine:
The following conditions must be met by any person or organization obtaining a copy of this
- You MUST not be affiliated with the Russian government or military.
- You MUST not financially support Russia, Russian military, or Russian economy.
- You MUST condemn Russia's genocide against Ukraine.
- You MUST not do business with Russia or in Russia.
By using this software, you publicly agree to the following:
- Russian war against Ukraine is a crime against humanity.
- Russia is responsible for death and destruction in Ukraine.
- You will not support Russia in any way.
- The company you work for, or the organization you represent, does not do business with or in Russia.
- The company you work for, or the organization you represent, was not founded by, nor has it received investments from, Russian citizens.
The above conditions shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.