This is a walkthrough of the different areas of the Azure Portal along with what is possible with Azure Cloud Shell using demos.
- Access to an Azure Subscription and Logged In to Azure Portal
- Navigation Bar
- Portal Settings
- Search
- Cloud Shell
- Directory and Subscription Filter
- Bell (Notifications)
- Gear (UI Settings)
- Ask for Help
- Send Feedback
- Identity & Switch Directory
- Dashboard
- Default with Azure Status
- Creating Custom Dashboard
- Show Existing Custom Dashboard & Sharing
Navigation Bar
- View into Resources
- All Services - Pin AKS
- Resource Groups & Resources - Create RG
Create a Resource, Notification, Security & Support
- Azure Market Place (AMP)
- Azure Container Registry - Standard SKU
- Blades
- Access Control Blade - Security
- New Support Request Blade - Ask for Help
- Global Search
- Blade Search
Cloud Shell
- Integrated with Portal
- Standalone Cloud Shell
- Cloud Drive - Backed by Azure Storage
Create Resource Group & Azure Container Registry
- Clone Repo
- Create Resource Group
- Create Azure Container Registry (ACR) Using Premium SKU
# Clone Repository cd ~ git clone cd portal-and-cloudshell # Create Resource Group. RG="ossvc20180913-rg" LOC="eastus" NAME="ossvc20180913" ACR_NAME="${NAME}acr" AKV_NAME="${NAME}vault" az group create --name $RG --location $LOC # Create Registry az acr create -g $RG -n ${ACR_NAME} --sku Premium --admin-enabled --location $LOC # List the new Registry az acr list -o table
Azure Container Registry Build & Secure Deploy to ACI
- Using Git - Clone Repository
- Build Container Image using ACR Build
- Create Azure Key Vault and Service Principal for Secure ACI Deployment
- Deploy to ACI
cd ~ git clone cd acr-build-helloworld-node az acr credential show -n ${ACR_NAME} az acr show -n ${ACR_NAME} --query "{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" -o table az acr repository list -n ${ACR_NAME} az acr build --registry ${ACR_NAME} --image helloacrbuild:v1 . az acr repository list -n ${ACR_NAME} az acr repository show-manifests -n ${ACR_NAME} --repository helloacrbuild az acr repository show-tags -n ${ACR_NAME} --repository helloacrbuild # Create Key Vault and Deploy to ACI az keyvault create -g $RG -n ${AKV_NAME} --location $LOC # Create service principal, store its password in AKV (the registry *password*) az keyvault secret set \ --vault-name ${AKV_NAME} \ --name ${ACR_NAME}-pull-pwd \ --value $(az ad sp create-for-rbac \ --name ${ACR_NAME}-pull \ --scopes $(az acr show --name ${ACR_NAME} --query id --output tsv) \ --role reader \ --query password \ --output tsv) # Store service principal ID in AKV (the registry *username*) az keyvault secret set \ --vault-name ${AKV_NAME} \ --name ${ACR_NAME}-pull-usr \ --value $(az ad sp show --id http://${ACR_NAME}-pull --query appId --output tsv) # Deploy Container using Azure Container Instance (ACI) az container create \ --resource-group $RG \ --name acr-build \ --image ${ACR_NAME} \ --registry-login-server ${ACR_NAME} \ --registry-username $(az keyvault secret show --vault-name $AKV_NAME --name ${ACR_NAME}-pull-usr --query value -o tsv) \ --registry-password $(az keyvault secret show --vault-name $AKV_NAME --name ${ACR_NAME}-pull-pwd --query value -o tsv) \ --dns-name-label acr-build-${ACR_NAME} \ --query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn}" \ --location $LOC \ --output table # Navigate to fqdn to Validate Deployment
Using Terraform to Deploy Containers
- Introduce VS Code Integration
- Introduction to Hashicorp Terraform
- Drill into
- Execute Terraform Script using CLI
- Validate Deployment
# Use VS Code to look at # Use Terraform CLI Integration to Execute Hashicorp Script ( code . terraform init terraform plan terraform apply # Validate Deployment az group list -o table | grep aci-helloworld az container list -o table az container show -g aci-helloworld -n aci-helloworld curl $(az container show -g aci-helloworld -n aci-helloworld -o tsv --query "ipAddress.fqdn") az container show -g aci-helloworld -n aci-helloworld -o tsv --query "ipAddress.fqdn"
Deploy Multi-Region Solution using Web App for Containers
- Clone Repository
- Build Docker Container using ACR Build
- Enable ACR Geo-Replication
- Deploy Container Image to East US and West US
- Validate Deployment
# ACR Premium SKU Already Created # Go into Portal & Enable Geo-Replication to West US # Log into ACR cd ~ git clone cd acr-helloworld # Update Dockerfile with ACR Registry Name az acr show -n ${ACR_NAME} --query "{acrLoginServer:loginServer}" -o table code . # Build Image az acr repository list -n ${ACR_NAME} az acr build --registry ${ACR_NAME} -f ./AcrHelloworld/Dockerfile --image acr-helloworld:v1 . az acr repository list -n ${ACR_NAME} az acr repository show-manifests -n ${ACR_NAME} --repository acr-helloworld az acr repository show-tags -n ${ACR_NAME} --repository acr-helloworld # Deploy to Web App for Containers Using Portal