The Tic-Tac-Toe project is a sample package for using a 6-axis robotic arm to play against a human in a game of tic-tac-toe. Project was originally a simple cube pickup which is documented in this repo. Intended to support the development of robotic applications at the Artifically Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (AIMS) Lab at The Ohio State University.
Note: This repository was designed for ROS Melodic. It has not been tested on other distributions. Specifically designed for the Motoman MH5L robot as supported by the ROS-Industrial program.
This repository is only tested to work with Python 2.7.17.
Install requirements with pip:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
- ROS Melodic: For obtaining and configuring ROS follow the installation instructions for full-desktop Melodic installation.
- Catkin workspace: Create a clean catkin-tools workspace.
- MoveIt 1: For installation instructions see MoveIt's webpage.
Clone the below repositories into your catkin-tools workspace:
Create a catkin compatible workspace
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
Clone the repositories listed above into the src folder
Build and source workspace
catkin init catkin build source devel/setup.bash
Once the workspace is built, you are ready to start executing commands.
If the build fails, it occurs usually to missing package dependencies or missing third party (non-ros) packages. When this occurs the build log in the terminal indicates the name of the package dependency that it is missing, then try:
sudo apt-get update ros-melodic-[package-name]
# separate the package name words with a '-'
roslaunch tictactoe tictactoe.launch
rosrun tictactoe
The first command launches connection to robot and starts several ROS publishers. The second is the tictactoe master script. By default the player goes first using O pieces and follow along in the terminal to continue the game.