package for extended kalman filter
ros2 run robotx_ekf robotx_ekf_node
- determin dt carefully
- set proper variance
- it has filtering step twice (1. y=CX 2.gps observation)
- Firstly, run wamvtan/vrx
docker run -it wamvtan/vrx /bin/bash
ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=stationkeeping_task headless:=true urdf:=/home/config/wamv_target.urdf
- Next, run another docker_image wamvtan/dev_container which includes our autonomous system.
docker run -it wamvtan/dev_container /bin/bash
ros2 run vrx_bridge vrx_bridge_node
ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=stationkeeping_task headless:=true urdf:=/home/config/wamv_target.urdf
- if you want to run vrx_gz on you local computer, you don't need to run container.
- And do this command run robotx_ekf_node and geopose_converter and vrx_bridge
ros2 run vrx_bridge vrx_bridge_node
ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=stationkeeping_task headless:=true urdf:=/home/config/wamv_target.urdf
- you can see