This is a small helm plugin that performs vulnerability scans on container images used by charts. It was inspired by's helm-snyk plugin. It uses aquasec's trivy instead of for vulnerability scanning. To be fair, I found in my testing that Snyk had better results, but trivy isn't far (and it's free).
Just like any helm plugin, use the helm plugin
helm plugin install
Currently avalaible for linux and mac platforms.
Usage: helm trivy [options] <helm chart>
Example: helm trivy -json stable/mariadb
Enable debug logging
Enable JSON output
Don't pull latest trivy image
--set string
Values to set for helm chart, format: 'key1=value1,key2=value2'
--trivyargs string
CLI args to passthrough to trivy
--values string
Specify chart values in a YAML file or a URL
--version string
Specify chart version
Some examples:
Output only high and critical severity vulnerabilities:
helm trivy -trivyargs '--severity HIGH,CRITICAL' stable/mariadb
Get a JSON array with scan results:
helm trivy -json stable/wordpress