This is the source code for a low-fantasy RPG turn-based strategy auto-battler game (e.g. like Ogre Battle) being built using OP Game Engine in VS 2022.
Releases will only be available up through Beta state of the game prior to actual release on Steam, but code changes will stay updated on here and remain available for those who wish to compile their own modded version. After release of the game, the game will need to be purchased on Steam to acquire media files for the Content folder (e.g. music, sounds, and textures).
- Random generation of worldmap with levels to progress through marked on the map (click location to enter map for that level)
- Random generation of levels/local-maps with starting player base/town, enemy base, neutral towns, merchant town, academy town
- Capturing/liberating neutral towns (flipping them to player-controlled)
- Level/area/map progression, displaying next location(s) on worldmap
- A* pathing for player squad token movement on map
- Starting character generation screen
- Equippable items and viewing equipment stats
- Menu for managing squads in player army
- Menu for managing character formation in a squad
- Menu for managing character equipped gear
- Menu for managing rune attachments in items/gear
- Menu for viewing general inventory of player army
- Menu for buying/selling items in shops
- Menu for purchasing more characters at academy towns
- Right-clicking squads on map to view their characters/formation
- Combat screen and basic combat mechanics
- Dispatching additional squads to player base on map
- Context menu to handle selection of a squad when there's multiple in one location
- Generation of enemy squads on maps with increasing amount/difficulty/equipment
- AI to control enemy squad movement on map
- Enemy squads capturing towns
- Losing level/map if enemy squad reaches player base (forced to retreat back to Worldmap)
- Recovering HP/EP at towns
- Collecting gold from owned towns
- Additional runes for combat
- Character stat/xp/level progression
- Finding unique items hidden in the world
- Saving/loading game state
- Story/lore and tutorial
- Side-quests
- Adding more music for variety
- Hopefully some graphical improvements