use CNN siamese network to carry out the task of facial recognition based on the paper Siamese Neural Networks for One-shot Image Recognition A one-shot learning task for previously unseen objects. Given two facial images of previously unseen persons, the architecture successfully determine whether they are the same person. dataset - Labeled Faces in the Wild
Dataset analysis:
Train size – 2145 samples of 250x250 pixels equally divided to 2 classes (same person pairs, different person pairs)
Validation size – the train set above was split so a small validation set can be used (2.5%, 55 samples)
Test size – 1000 samples of 250x250 pixels equally divided to 2 classes (same person pairs, different person pairs)
The images were normalized 0-1 GL (divided by 255) and precision set to float32
The data was shuffled so random pairs would be included in each batch
A tensor of length 5 was given to the model (None, 2, 250, 250, 1)
The labels array is a simple 1D vector of 0 or 1 depending on the relevant pair class
Model setup:
Each pair of images is passed through a CNN model, at first feature maps are constructed by convolutional layers. These are later flattened and a dense layer per image is used to calculate a distance metric. This is then finally passed to a 1 neuron layer so a loss can be calculated together with the relevant label (0,1).
Layers: Main repeating block includes CONV2DDropout
For CONV2D we tried different number of filters (32,64,128) of different sizes (10,7,5,3)
We used stride instead of max-pooling as in the article. Stride=2
We used 'relu' activation s in the article and a l2 regularizer on the weights
Dropout percentage was adjusted to optimize overfit (0.3,0.5,0.7) 0.5
After flattening a dense layer of size 1024 was used (a larger size led to OOM issues)
Distance metric: We used the simple L1 distance as described in the article (other Euclidean measurements are also suitable but were not experimented with)
Final model architecture: conv2D(64 filters, 3x3, stride=2, relu, l2 regularizer) dropout(0.5) conv2D(64 filters, 3x3, stride=2, relu, l2 regularizer) dropout(0.5) flatten dense(1024, sigmoid) l1 distance calc dense(1, sigmoid)
Model compiler: Loss – ' binary_crossentropy' loss was used due to the problem at hand Optimizer – 'Adam' and 'RMSprop' where experimented with, with learning rates e-3 to e-6
Model fit:
Batch size – 32, 64 and 128 batch sizes were compared 64 revealed best results
Stop criteria – we ran 30 epochs for each experiment (different hyper parameters) and chose the best epoch from each experiment. Best meaning highest accuracy on test set.
Reasoning for hyperparameters and architecture:
We started off implementing the article's architecture
This architecture resulted in OOM issues as well as poor results and overfitting.
We reduced the model layer size to 2 convolution blocks and reduced the number of filters as well as the dense layer number of neurons from 4096 to 1024.
Hyper parameters optimization – we optimized each HP sequentially (one at a time) by selected 3-5 working points for each. During training the epoch with the highest accuracy on validation was considered to be the best for that working point.
Hyper-parameters working points and performances:
Initial conditions: 4 conv layers of 64 filters of size (3,3), stride(2,2), drop out(0.5) followed by dense(64). Batch_size = 32 , Adam(0.0006)
Number of layers [2,3,4,5] 2 - test accuracy of 0.68
Number of filters [32,64,128] 64 - test accuracy of 0.68
Filter size [3,5,7] 3 - test accuracy of 0.7
Dense nodes [64,512,1024] 1024 - test accuracy of 0.7
Optimizer [adam, rmsprop] adam - test accuracy of 0.71
Batch_size [32,64,128] 64 - test accuracy of 0.75
Lr [0.006, 0.0006, 0.00006, 0.000006] 0.00006 - test accuracy of 0.7
final conditions: 2 conv layers of 64 filters of size (3,3), stride(2,2), drop out(0.5) followed by dense(64). Batch_size = 64 , Adam(0.00006) accuracy 0.75
Performance: Convergence times – time for a single epoch=6sec Loss and accuracy of the best configuration: train_loss = 0.36, train_acc =0.99 , val_loss =0.92 , val_acc =0.67, test_acc = 0.65
Graphs of final configuration:
Examples of correct/incorrect classification
Why is the model insufficient?
- due to OOM issues we cannot build a deep enough network to include more weights needed to approximate the data distribution.
- The small training dataset (2145) limits the model training as well.
- The large image size of 250x250 is another issue. Usually neural networks work better with smaller images. This leads to OOM and GPU limitations.
- The prediction could be improved for this type of problem by introducing triplet loss which learns the difference between a similar pair and different pair of the same original image.