A shell-like interface for interacting with beanstalkd. Put, peek at, bury, and delete jobs, list tubes, and get status information.
- Print the help message
- Show an overview of the current status of the beanstalkd server
- Show the current connection details
stats full
- Show all stats for the server
stats short
- Show useful stats for the server
stats tube <tube>
- Show stats for a tube
list all
- List all tubes
list buried
- List all tubes with buried jobs
list delayed
- List all tubes with delayed jobs
list ready
- List all tubes with ready jobs
list reserved
- List all tubes with reserved jobs
list urgent
- List all tubes with urgent jobs
put <tube>
- Put a message onto a queue
peek buried
- Peek at the next buried job on a tube
peek id <id>
- Peek at a specific job using it's id
peek ready
- Peek at the next ready job on a tube
bury one <tube>
- Bury the next ready job on a tube
bury tube <tube>
- Bury all jobs on a tube
kick list
- List all tubes with buried jobs
kick one <tube>
- Kick the next buried job on a tube
kick tube <tube>
- Kick all buried jobs on a tube
kick everything
- Kick all buried jobs from all tubes
delete <id>
- Delete a job by ID
clear tube <tube>
- Clear a tube of all jobs
clear everything
- Clear all tubes of all jobs
populate tube <tube>
- Populate a tube with random jobs
populate tubes
- Populate beanstalkd with random tubes and messages
- Print the beanstalkctl version