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OleksandrZhabenko committed Dec 28, 2020
0 parents commit 478db63
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Revision history for phonetic-languages-simplified-lists-examples

## -- 2020-11-29

* First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.

## -- 2020-12-01

* Second version. Added a new module Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Lists.DeEnCoding for dealing with intersections using heaps functionality.
For lineVariantsG2:
** Added for this heaps as a new dependency (a lightweight one).

** Added the possibilities to leave the last word in the line on its place (this can lead to preserving rhymes in poetry, for example),
to print either metrices information or not.

** Added the possibility to use multiple metrices at once by using +M ... -M blocks of command line arguments. The type of metrics is the first argument and
the numeric arguments for it (as usual) are all further, then again you can specify up to two additional metrices with arguments enclosed by the block
+M and -M delimiters.

## -- 2020-12-03

* Third version. Extended the multiple properties mode up to 4 different properties. Added the possibility to use more
intercation by interactive mode and to write the single line result to file in file writing mode.
Some documentation improvements.

## -- 2020-12-03

* Fourth version. Added the new properties ralated to the uzpp2Durat3 function -- 03y, y3 (and yy2 related to
uzpp2Durat2 function).

## -- 2020-12-05

* Fifth version. Switched to the Double instead of Float whenever possible. Some dependencies changes for this.

## -- 2020-12-07

* Sixth version. Added multiproperties mode for propertiesTextG2 executable. Added constraint of ++B to it, too. Extended
up to 5 possible properties for the lineVariantsG2 executable. Added 'whitelines' modes. Some code and documentation
improvements. Added a new module Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Lists.SimpleConstraints.

162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions GetInfo/Main.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License : MIT
-- Stability : Experimental
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Analyzes a poetic text in Ukrainian, for every line prints statistic data and
-- then for the whole poem prints the hypothesis evaluation information.
-- To enable parallel computations (potentially, they can speed up the work), please, run the @propertiesText@ executable with
-- @+RTS -threaded -RTS@ command line options with possibly @-N@ option inside.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded -rtsopts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, FlexibleContexts #-}

module Main where

import Data.SubG hiding (takeWhile,dropWhile)
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (sort)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as VB
import Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian
import System.Environment
import Languages.Phonetic.Ukrainian.PrepareText
import Numeric (showFFloat)
import Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.Filters
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.Statistics.RulesIntervalsPlus
import Data.MinMax.Preconditions
import Phonetic.Languages.Lists.Ukrainian.PropertiesSyllablesG2
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.StrictVG
import Phonetic.Languages.Permutations
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.DataG
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Lists.Ukrainian.FuncRep2RelatedG2
import Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.Constraints.Encoded
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Lists.SimpleConstraints

main :: IO ()
main = do
args000 <- getArgs
let !args00 = filter (/= "++B") args000
!lstW = any (== "++B") args000
!args0 = takeWhile (/= "+M") args00 `mappend` drop 1 (dropWhile (/= "-M") args00)
!multiples = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= "+M") . takeWhile (/= "-M") $ args00 -- Arguments for multiple metrices mode
!args = filter (\xs -> all (/= ':') xs && all (/= '@') xs) args0
!coeffs = readCF . concat . take 1 $ args -- The first command line argument. If not sure, just enter \"1_\".
!lInes = filter (any (== ':')) args0
!numbersJustPrint = filter (== "@n") args0
if isPair coeffs then do
let !file = concat . drop 1 . take 2 $ args -- The second command line argument except those ones that are RTS arguments
if null numbersJustPrint then do
let !gzS = concat . take 1 . drop 2 $ args -- The third command line argument that controls the choice of the number of intervals
!printLine = fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (concat . take 1 . drop 3 $ args)::(Maybe Int)) -- The fourth command line argument except those ones that are RTS arguments. Set to 1 if you would like to print the current line within the information
!toOneLine = fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (concat . take 1 . drop 4 $ args)::(Maybe Int)) -- The fifth command line argument except those ones that are RTS arguments. Set to 1 if you would like to convert the text into one single line before applying to it the processment (it can be more conceptually consistent in such a case)
!choice = concat . drop 5 . take 6 $ args -- The sixth command line argument that controls what properties are used.
generalProc lstW multiples lInes coeffs file gzS printLine toOneLine choice
else do
contents <- readFile file
fLinesIO contents
else do
let !file = concat . take 1 $ args
if null numbersJustPrint then do
let !gzS = concat . take 1 . drop 1 $ args
!printLine = fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (concat . take 1 . drop 2 $ args)::(Maybe Int))
!toOneLine = fromMaybe 0 (readMaybe (concat . take 1 . drop 3 $ args)::(Maybe Int))
!choice = concat . drop 4 . take 5 $ args
generalProc lstW multiples lInes coeffs file gzS printLine toOneLine choice
else do
contents <- readFile file
fLinesIO contents

generalProc :: Bool -> [String] -> [String] -> Coeffs2 -> FilePath -> String -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO ()
generalProc lstW multiples2 lInes coeffs file gzS printLine toOneLine choice
| null lInes = do
contents <- readFile file
let !flines = fLines toOneLine contents
getData3 lstW coeffs (getIntervalsNS lstW gzS flines) printLine choice multiples2 flines
| otherwise = do
contents <- readFile file
let !flines = fLines toOneLine . unlines . linesFromArgsG lInes . fLines 0 $ contents
getData3 lstW coeffs (getIntervalsNS lstW gzS flines) printLine choice multiples2 flines

linesFromArgs1 :: Int -> String -> [String] -> [String]
linesFromArgs1 n xs yss =
let (!ys,!zs) = (\(x,z) -> (x, drop 1 z)) . break (== ':') $ xs
!ts = sort . map (min n . abs) $ [fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe ys::Maybe Int), fromMaybe n (readMaybe zs::Maybe Int)] in
drop (head ts - 1) . take (last ts) $ yss

linesFromArgsG :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
linesFromArgsG xss yss = let n = length yss in concatMap (\ts -> linesFromArgs1 n ts yss) xss

getData3 :: Bool -> Coeffs2 -> Int -> Int -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
getData3 lstW coeffs gz printLine choice multiples3 zss = let !permsV4 = genPermutationsVL in putStrLn (replicate (length multiples3 + 1) '\t' `mappend` show gz) >> mapM_ (process1Line lstW coeffs gz printLine choice multiples3 permsV4) zss

process1Line :: Bool -> Coeffs2 -> Int -> Int -> String -> [String] -> VB.Vector [VB.Vector Int] -> String -> IO ()
process1Line lstW coeffs gz printLine choice multiples4 !permsV50 v
| null multiples4 = bracket (do {
myThread <- forkIO (do
let !v2 = words v
!l2 = length v2 - 2
if l2 >= (if lstW then 1 else 0) then do
let !permsV5 = decodeConstraint1 (fromMaybe (E 1) . readMaybeECG (l2 + 1) . showB (l2 + 2) $ lstW) .
VB.unsafeIndex permsV50 $ l2
((!minE,!maxE),!data2) = runEval (parTuple2 rpar rpar (minMax11C . map (toTransPropertiesF' (chooseMax id coeffs choice )) .
uniquenessVariants2GNBL ' ' id id id permsV5 $ v2, toTransPropertiesF' (chooseMax id coeffs choice) . unwords . subG " 01-" $ v))
(!wordsN,!intervalN) = (l2 + 2, intervalNRealFrac minE maxE gz data2)
!ratio = if maxE == 0.0 then 0.0 else 2.0 * data2 / (minE + maxE)
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (precChoice choice) minE $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (precChoice choice) data2 $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (precChoice choice) maxE $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (Just 4) (data2 / minE) $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (Just 4) (maxE / minE) $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (Just 4) (maxE / data2) $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout . showFFloat (Just 8) ratio $ "\t"
hPutStr stdout ('\t':show (wordsN::Int))
hPutStr stdout ('\t':show (intervalN::Int))
hPutStrLn stdout (if printLine == 1 then '\t':v else "")
else putStrLn (replicate (length multiples4) '\t' ++ if printLine == 1 then '\t':v else ""))
; return myThread }) (killThread) (\_ -> putStr "")
| otherwise = bracket (do {
myThread <- forkIO (do
let !v2 = words v
!l2 = length v2 - 2
if l2 >= (if lstW then 1 else 0) then do
let !permsV5 = decodeConstraint1 (fromMaybe (E 1) . readMaybeECG (l2 + 1) . showB (l2 + 2) $ lstW) .
VB.unsafeIndex permsV50 $ l2
rs = parMap rpar (\choiceMMs -> (minMax11C .
map (toTransPropertiesF' (chooseMax id coeffs choiceMMs)) .
uniquenessVariants2GNBL ' ' id id id permsV5 $ v2,
toTransPropertiesF' (chooseMax id coeffs choiceMMs) . unwords . subG " 01-" $ v,gz)) multiples4
(!wordsN,!intervalNs) = (l2 + 2, map (\((!x,!y),!z,!t) -> intervalNRealFrac x y t z) rs)
in do
hPutStr stdout (show (wordsN::Int))
mapM_ (\i -> hPutStr stdout ('\t':show (i::Int))) intervalNs
hPutStrLn stdout (if printLine == 1 then '\t':v else "")
else putStrLn (replicate (length multiples4) '\t' ++ if printLine == 1 then '\t':v else ""))
; return myThread }) (killThread) (\_ -> putStr "")

fLines :: Int -> String -> [String]
fLines !toOneLine ys =
let preText = filter (any (\x -> isUkrainianL x && isAlpha x)) . prepareText . (\z -> if toOneLine == 1 then unwords . words $ z else z) $ ys
wss = map (length . subG " 01-") preText
g (t:ts) (r:rs) = if r > 7 then filter (`notElem` "01-") t:g ts rs else t:g ts rs
g _ _ = []
in g preText wss

fLinesIO :: String -> IO ()
fLinesIO ys =
let preText = filter (any (\x -> isUkrainianL x && isAlpha x)) . prepareText $ ys
wss = map (length . subG " 01-") preText
g (t:ts) (r:rs) = if r > 7 then filter (`notElem` "01-") t:g ts rs else t:g ts rs
g _ _ = []
in VB.mapM_ putStrLn . (\(i,x) -> show (i + 1) ++ "\t" ++ x) . VB.indexed . VB.fromList . g preText $ wss
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions LICENSE
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 OleksandrZhabenko

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions Lines/Main.hs
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-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
-- License : MIT
-- Stability : Experimental
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Inspired by: from the ;
-- Allows to rewrite the given text (usually a poetical one).

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -threaded -rtsopts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Main where

import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Lists.DeEnCoding (newLineEnding)
import System.IO
import Data.SubG
import Data.MinMax.Preconditions
import qualified Data.Vector as VB
import Data.List (sort)
import Phonetic.Languages.Lists.Ukrainian.PropertiesSyllablesG2
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.StrictVG
import Phonetic.Languages.Permutations
import Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.Filters (unsafeSwapVecIWithMaxI)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Environment
import Languages.Phonetic.Ukrainian.PrepareText
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.DataG
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Phonetic.Languages.Simplified.Lists.Ukrainian.FuncRep2RelatedG2
import Data.Monoid (mappend)

-- | The function allows to rewrite the Ukrainian text in the file given as the first command line argument to a new file. In between, it is rewritten
-- so that every last word on the lines is preserved at its position, and the rest of the line is rearranged using the specified other command line
-- arguments. They are general for the whole program. The first command line argument is a FilePath to the file with a Ukrainian text to be rewritten.
-- The second one is a variant of the \"properties\" used to evaluate the variants.
-- The further command line arguments are: the number of the intervals and the numbers of the intervals
-- that are swapped with the maximum one so that they are available for further usage by the program. See documentation for @uniqueness-periods-vector-filters@
-- package
-- ''
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let coeffs = readCF . concat . take 1 $ args -- The first command line argument. If not sure, pass just \"1_\".
if isPair coeffs then do
let !numericArgs = filter (all isDigit) . drop 3 $ args
!choice = concat . drop 2 . take 3 $ args
!numberI = fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe (concat . take 1 $ numericArgs)::Maybe Int)
!file = concat . drop 1 . take 2 $ args
generalProcessment coeffs numericArgs choice numberI file
else do
let !numericArgs = filter (all isDigit) . drop 2 $ args
!choice = concat . drop 1 . take 2 $ args
!numberI = fromMaybe 1 (readMaybe (concat . take 1 $ numericArgs)::Maybe Int)
!file = concat . take 1 $ args
generalProcessment coeffs numericArgs choice numberI file

generalProcessment :: Coeffs2 -> [String] -> String -> Int -> FilePath -> IO ()
generalProcessment coeffs numericArgs choice numberI file = do
contents <- readFile file
let !permsV = VB.force genPermutationsVL
!flines = fLines contents
!lasts = map (\ts -> if null . words $ ts then [] else last . words $ ts) flines
if compare numberI 2 == LT then toFileStr (file ++ ".new.txt") (circle2 coeffs permsV choice [] $ flines)
else do
let !intervalNmbrs = (\vs -> if null vs then VB.singleton numberI else VB.uniq . VB.fromList $ vs) . sort . filter (<= numberI) .
map (\t -> fromMaybe numberI (readMaybe t::Maybe Int)) . drop 2 $ numericArgs
!us = words . concat . take 1 $ flines
!l2 = (subtract 3) . length $ us
if compare l2 0 /= LT then do
let !perms2 = VB.unsafeIndex permsV $ l2
(!minE,!maxE) = let !frep20 = chooseMax id coeffs choice in minMax11C . map (toPropertiesF' frep20) .
uniquenessVariants2GNPBL [] (concat . take 1 $ lasts) ' ' id id id perms2 . init $ us
toFileStr (file ++ ".new.txt") (circle2I coeffs permsV choice [] numberI intervalNmbrs minE maxE $ flines)
else toFileStr (file ++ ".new.txt") ((concat . take 1 $ flines):(circle2I coeffs permsV choice [] numberI intervalNmbrs 0.0 0.0 . drop 1 $ flines))

fLines :: String -> [String]
fLines ys =
let preText = prepareText ys
wss = map (length . subG " 01-") preText
g (t:ts) (r:rs) = if r > 7 then filter (`notElem` "01-") t:g ts rs else t:g ts rs
g _ _ = []
in g preText wss

-- | Processment without rearrangements.
circle2 :: Coeffs2 -> VB.Vector [VB.Vector Int] -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
circle2 coeffs permsG1 choice yss xss
| null xss = yss
| otherwise = circle2 coeffs permsG1 choice (yss `mappend` [ws]) tss
where (!zss,!tss) = splitAt 1 xss
!rs = words . concat $ zss
!l = length rs
!frep2 = chooseMax id coeffs choice
!ws = if compare l 3 == LT then unwords rs else line . maximumElR . map (toResultR frep2) .
uniquenessVariants2GNPBL [] (last rs) ' ' id id id (VB.unsafeIndex permsG1 (l - 3)) . init $ rs

-- | Processment with rearrangements.
circle2I :: Coeffs2 -> VB.Vector [VB.Vector Int] -> String -> [String] -> Int -> VB.Vector Int -> Double -> Double -> [String] -> [String]
circle2I coeffs permsG1 choice yss numberI vI minE maxE xss
| null xss = yss
| otherwise = circle2I coeffs permsG1 choice (yss `mappend` [ws]) numberI vI minE1 maxE1 tss
where (!zss,!tss) = splitAt 1 xss
!w2s = words . concat . take 1 $ tss
!l3 = (subtract 3) . length $ w2s
!rs = words . concat $ zss
!l = length rs
!frep2 = chooseMax (unsafeSwapVecIWithMaxI minE maxE numberI vI) coeffs choice
!ws = if compare (length rs) 3 == LT then unwords rs else line . maximumElR . map (toResultR frep2) .
uniquenessVariants2GNPBL [] (last rs) ' ' id id id (VB.unsafeIndex permsG1 (l - 3)) . init $ rs
| compare l3 0 /= LT =
let !perms3 = VB.unsafeIndex permsG1 l3
!v4 = init w2s
!frep20 = chooseMax id coeffs choice in minMax11C . map (toPropertiesF' frep20) .
uniquenessVariants2GNPBL [] (last w2s) ' ' id id id perms3 $ v4
| otherwise = (0.0,0.0)

-- | Prints every element from the structure on the new line to the file. Uses 'appendFile' function inside. Is taken from
-- the Languages.UniquenessPeriods.Vector.General.DebugG module from the @phonetic-languages-general@ package.
toFileStr ::
FilePath -- ^ The 'FilePath' to the file to be written in the 'AppendMode' (actually appended with) the information output.
-> [String] -- ^ Each element is appended on the new line to the file.
-> IO ()
toFileStr file xss = mapM_ (\xs -> appendFile file (xs `mappend` newLineEnding)) xss

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