Clone repository to your local machine by running
git clone https://github.com/OlenaHatala/Team-project.git
in the chosen directory.
Navigate to /back-end and run
npm install
Navigate to /front-end/frontend and run
npm install
- Navigate to /back-end/ and add ".env" file.
- Copy content of "/back-end/.env.example" file and paste to newly created file.
- Replace "USER", "PASSWORD", "ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET" and "REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET" constants values with database credentials given by owner of the repository.
- Change api localhost port, if needed (default - 3500).
- Navigate to /front-end/frontend and add ".env" file.
- Copy content of "/front-end/frontend.env.example" file and paste to newly created file.
- Match api localhost port in "REACT_APP_API_URL" connection string with localhost port in the "/back-end/.env" file.
- Change front-end localhost port, if needed (default - 3000).
- Go to /back-end/config/constants.js and change the "PORT" constant.
- Go to /front-end/frontend/config/urls.js and specify chosen port in "API_URL" constant.
Navigate to /back-end and run
npm run dev
Navigate to /front-end/frontend and run
npm start