Our server supports multilanguages, but since we don't have native speakers of each country playing our server, we will need your help to get the most accurate translations !
We are working with Pull Requests. If you want to participate and you don't know how to do it, feel free to read those articles which explains it :
First contributions Desktop Tutorial
The Beginners Guide to Contributing to a github project
- All non-translated keys will fallback to EN.
- You also need to provide the modified file as-is without any extensions modifications or renames.
- Every special character, especially line-breaks (\n) and tabulations (\t) must be respected and shouldn't be deleted.
- If the keys has parameters (player's name, amount...) use string.Format documentation and do not hesitate to ask for help if needed
- Only values of keys must be modified.
- I'll change the keys if needed.
Thanks in advance,
NosWings Team.