v0.26 - Pending TX
This update adds parsing logic to handle pending tx's provided by omniwallet tag 0.26 (https://github.com/mastercoin-MSC/omniwallet/releases/tag/v0.26.0)
Install/Upgrade instructions:
If you are building the database from scratch you can ignore the following upgrade commands.
If you are already running an OmniEngine and OmniDatabase module you need to run the following upgrade command from the omniEngine directory:
As always Please MAKE SURE YOUR DB IS BACKED UP BEFORE PROCEEDING (this is just good practice).
python upgrade.py patches/omni.0.26.patch (if pulling from tip this file will be renamed to omniDB.v26.patch)
This will ask you for the database admin username/password to update the appropriate tables.
Once this update is in you can update your Omniwallet repo and directory.