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Jason Imison edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 2 revisions
  • It removes also the empty assingments and the usages
  • Implements an abstract member as a virtual one
  • Adds second accessor to a property.
  • Removes redundant braces around a statement.
  • Add name for argument including method, indexer invocation and Attibute Usage
  • Adds an exception type specifier to general catch clauses.
  • Add an exception description to the xml documentation
  • Add one or more optional parameters to an invocation.
  • Add missing using declaration.
  • Converts a loop to a Linq expression
  • Changes the access level of an entity declaration
  • Computes the value of the current expression and replaces it.
  • Converts an anonymous delegate into a lambda
  • Convert assignment to 'if'
  • Convert 'as' to cast.
  • Replace bitwise flag comparison with call to 'Enum.HasFlag'
  • Convert cast to 'as'.
  • Convert dec to hex.
  • Converts a do...while to a while loop (changing semantics).
  • Converts '==' to call to 'object.Equals'
  • Converts 'Equals' call to '=='
  • Convert explicit implementation of an interface method to implicit implementation
  • Works on 'foreach' loops that allow direct access to its elements.
  • Works on 'for' loops.
  • Replace 'Enum.HasFlag' call with bitwise flag comparison
  • Convert hex to dec.
  • Convert 'if' to '?:'
  • Convert 'if' statement to '??' expression.
  • Convert 'if' to 'return'
  • Convert 'if' statement to 'switch' statement
  • Convert implict implementation of an interface method to explicit implementation
  • Converts expression of lambda body to statement
  • Converts statement of lambda body to expression
  • Converts a lambda to an anonymous delegate.
  • Convert method group to anoymous method
  • Convert method group to lambda expression
  • Convert '*'/'/' to '<<'/'>>'
  • Convert '??' to '?:'
  • Convert 'return' to 'if'
  • Convert '<<'/'>>' to '*'/'/'
  • Convert 'switch' statement to 'if' statement
  • Converts an object or collection initializer to explicit initializations.
  • Converts a set of assignments and .Add() calls to an initializer.
  • Convert while loop to do...while (changing semantics)
  • Copies documented comments from base to overriding methods.
  • Copies documented comments from interface to implementing methods.
  • Creates a backing field for an auto property.
  • Creates a changed event for an property.
  • Creates a class declaration out of an object creation.
  • Creates a constructor declaration out of an object creation.
  • Create custom event implementation.
  • Creates a delegate declaration out of an event declaration.
  • Creates an enum value for a undefined enum value.
  • Creates a standard OnXXX event method.
  • Creates a field for a undefined variable.
  • Creates an indexer declaration out of an indexer expression.
  • Creates a local variable for a undefined variable.
  • Creates a method declaration out of an invocation.
  • Create overload without the selected parameter.
  • Creates a property for a undefined variable.
  • Found method without return type.
  • Declare a local variable out of a selected expression.
  • Converts the call into static method call syntax.
  • Extract anonymous method to method of the containing type
  • Extracts a field from a local variable declaration.
  • Creates a new method out of selected text.
  • Extracts a field from a local variable declaration.
  • Swap 'Equals' target and argument
  • Swaps left and right arguments.
  • Generates a getter for a field.
  • Generates a getter and setter for a field.
  • Creates switch lables for enumerations.
  • Implements abstract members from an abstract class.
  • Creates an interface implementation.
  • Creates an interface implementation.
  • Creates a backing field for a not implemented property.
  • Inlines a local variable.
  • Inserts a signature to parameterless anonymous methods.
  • Creates a constant for a non constant primitive expression.
  • Creates a string.format call with the selection as parameter.
  • Inverts an '?:' expression.
  • Inverts an 'if ... else' expression.
  • Inverts if and simplify branching
  • Inverts a logical expression
  • Iterates an IEnumerable with a foreach loop.
  • Join local variable declaration and assignment.
  • Join string literals.
  • Convert LINQ query to fluent syntax
  • Converts a LINQ query to the equivalent fluent syntax.
  • Merge two nested 'if' statements.
  • Moves a declaration to the parent scope.
  • Negate an is expression.
  • Negate a relational expression.
  • put IDisposable inside 'using' construct
  • Removes the backing store of a property and creates an auto property.
  • Removes redundant braces around a statement.
  • Removes a redundant exception type specifier from catch clauses.
  • Removes a pre processor #region/#endregion directive.
  • Replace assignment with postfix expression
  • Replaces "" with string.Empty
  • Replace operator assignment with assignment
  • Replace postfix expression with assignment
  • Replace assignment with operator assignment
  • Reverse the direction of a for loop
  • Inverts if and reduces branching
  • Inverts if and reduces branching
  • Sorts usings by their origin and then alphabetically.
  • Splits local variable declaration and assignment.
  • Split variable declaration with multiple variables into declarations with a single variable
  • Splits an if statement into two nested if statements
  • Splits string literal into two.
  • Converts a 'is' into an 'as' and null check
  • Converts local variable declaration to be explicit typed.
  • Convert concatenation of strings and objects to string.Format()
  • Converts local variable declaration to be implicit typed.
  • Replace with call to OfType (extended cases)
  • Parameter name differs in base declaration
  • Finds potentially erroneous calls to Object.Equals.
  • Type cast expression of incompatible type
  • Check if a namespace corresponds to a file location
  • This error occurs when trying to assign a value of an incompatible type.
  • Since 'function' doesn't return void, a return keyword must be followed by an object expression
  • Since 'function' returns void, a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression
  • A case label value is duplicate.
  • CS0169: Field is never used
  • CS0618: Member is obsolete
  • If two objects are equal then they must both have the same hash code
  • A partial method must have a defining declaration that defines the signature (name, return type and parameters) of the method. The implementation or method body is optional.
  • CS1729: Class does not contain a 0 argument constructor
  • CS0184:Given expression is never of the provided type.
  • Searches for missing interface implementations
  • Static constructor should be parameterless
  • Condition is always 'true' or always 'false'.
  • Convert 'if' to '&&' expression
  • Warns about using lock (this) or MethodImplOptions.Synchronized.
  • Detects if fields & simple getters are used at the same time inside a class.
  • Simplify negative relational expression
  • Parameter is assigned but its value is never used.
  • Value assigned to a variable or parameter is not used in all execution path.
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("Assignment is redundant");
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("Remove redundant assignment");
  • Checks if static events are removed
  • Removes 'private' modifiers that are not required.
  • Code is unreachable.
  • Validate Xml docs
  • Access to closure variable from anonymous method when the variable is" +
  • Access to closure variable from anonymous method when the variable is modified " +
  • One method has the same body as other method
  • Expression has some redundant items
  • One Else-if was checked before so is not be true
  • Finds parameters that can be demoted to a generic list.
  • Highlights variables that can be declared in a nested scope.
  • Bitwise operation on enum which has no [Flags] attribute
  • Possible compare of value type with 'null'
  • Comparison of floating point numbers with equality operator.
  • '?:' expression has identical true and false branches.
  • Delegate subtraction has unpredictable result
  • Warns about calls to virtual member functions occuring in the constructor.
  • 'for' loop control variable is never modified.
  • Finds issues with format strings.
  • Function does not reach its end or a 'return' statement by any of possible execution paths.
  • Local variable has the same name as a member and hides it.
  • Lowercase 'l' is often confused with '1'
  • Member hides static member from outer class
  • Method with optional parameter is hidden by overload
  • Possible unassigned object created by 'new'
  • Cannot resolve symbol in text argument
  • Operator Is can be used instead of comparing object GetType() and instances of System.Type object.
  • The value of an optional parameter in a method does not match the base method.
  • Parameter has the same name as a member and hides it.
  • Parameter name differs in partial method declaration
  • Invocation of polymorphic field event leads to unpredictable result since invocation lists are not virtual
  • Check if a readonly field is used as assignment target
  • Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable
  • Warns about static fields in generic types.
  • [ThreadStatic] doesn't work with instance fields
  • Warns about property or indexer setters and event adders or removers that do not use the value parameter.
  • Checks for prohibited modifiers
  • CS0183:Given expression is always of the provided type.
  • Parameter has no matching param tag in the XML comment
  • CS1717:Assignment made to same variable.
  • Unassigned readonly field
  • Name doesn't match the defined style for this entity.
  • Non public methods are not found by NUnit.
  • Anonymous method or lambda expression can be simplified to method group.
  • Convert 'if' to '?:'
  • Convert 'Nullable' to the short form 'T?'
  • Convert property to auto property
  • Convert to lambda with expression
  • If all fields, properties and methods members are static, the class can be made static.
  • Foreach loops are more efficient
  • If an extension method is called as static method convert it to method syntax
  • Use 'var' keyword when possible
  • Suggests using the class declaring a static function when calling it.
  • Base parameter has 'params' modifier, but missing in overrider
  • Convert 'if-do-while' to 'while' statement
  • Convert 'if' to '||' expression
  • Convert local variable or field to constant
  • ';' should be avoided. Use '{}' instead
  • Convert field to readonly
  • A member doesn't use 'this' object neither explicit nor implicit. It can be made static.
  • Finds parameters that can be demoted to a base class.
  • Possible mistaken call to 'object.GetType()'
  • Constructor in abstract class should not be public
  • Check for reference equality instead
  • Replace with call to FirstOrDefault()
  • Replace with call to LastOrDefault()
  • Replace with call to OfType().Any()
  • Replace with call to OfType().Count()
  • Replace with call to OfType().First()
  • Replace with call to OfType().FirstOrDefault()
  • Replace with call to OfType
  • Replace with call to OfType().Last()
  • Replace with call to OfType().LastOrDefault()
  • Replace with call to OfType().LongCount()
  • Replace with call to OfType().Single()
  • Replace with call to OfType().SingleOrDefault()
  • Replace with call to OfType().Where()
  • Replace with simple assignment
  • Replace with single call to Any(...)
  • Replace with single call to Average(...)
  • Replace with single call to Count(...)
  • Replace with single call to First(...)
  • Replace with single call to FirstOrDefault(...)
  • Replace with single call to Last(...)
  • Replace with single call to LastOrDefault(...)
  • Replace with single call to LongCount(...)
  • Replace with single call to Max(...)
  • Replace with single call to Min(...)
  • Replace with single call to Single(...)
  • Replace with single call to SingleOrDefault(...)
  • Replace with single call to Sum(...)
  • Uses shorter string.IsNullOrEmpty call instead of a longer condition.
  • Conditional expression can be simplified
  • Simplify LINQ expression
  • Warns when a culture-aware 'Compare' call is used by default.
  • Warns when a culture-aware 'string.CompareTo' call is used by default.
  • Warns when a culture-aware 'EndsWith' call is used by default.
  • Warns when a culture-aware 'IndexOf' call is used by default.
  • Warns when a culture-aware 'LastIndexOf' call is used by default.
  • Warns when a culture-aware 'StartsWith' call is used by default.
  • Use array creation expression
  • 'is' operator can be used
  • Replace usages of 'Count()' with call to 'Any()'
  • Use method IsInstanceOfType
  • When initializing explicitly typed local variable or array type, array creation expression can be replaced with array initializer.
  • Value of the expression can be determined at compile time
  • Finds redundant null coalescing expressions such as expr ?? expr
  • Double negation is meaningless.
  • Empty statement is redundant
  • true is redundant as for statement condition, thus can be safely ommited
  • The name can be inferred from the initializer expression
  • The parameter is optional with the same default value
  • Finds calls to functions where optional parameters are used and the passed argument is the same as the default.
  • Parentheses are redundant if attribute has no arguments.
  • 'base.' is redundant and can safely be removed.
  • Comparison of a boolean value with 'true' or 'false' constant.
  • 'case' label is redundant.
  • Type cast can be safely removed.
  • Catch clause with a single 'throw' statement is redundant.
  • Check for inequality before assignment is redundant if (x != value) x = value;
  • Redundant comma in array initializer.
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("Redundant comma in object initializer");
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("Redundant comma in collection initializer");
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("Redundant comma in array initializer");
  • When 'is' keyword is used, which implicitly check null.
  • Explicit delegate creation expression is redundant
  • Redundant empty 'default' switch branch
  • Redundant empty finally block
  • When object creation uses object or collection initializer, empty argument list is redundant.
  • Redundant 'IEnumerable.Cast' or 'IEnumerable.OfType' call
  • Redundant explicit type in array creation
  • Redundant explicit size in array creation
  • Redundant 'else' keyword.
  • Redundant empty object or collection initializer.
  • Removes namespace usages that are obsolete.
  • Redundant 'string.ToCharArray()' call
  • Redundant conditional expression
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("'this.' is redundant and can be removed safely.");
  • Description = ctx.TranslateString("Remove 'this.'");
  • Finds value type calls to ToString() which would be generated automatically by the compiler.
  • Finds calls to ToString() which would be generated automatically by the compiler.
  • Unsafe modifier in redundant in unsafe context or when no unsafe constructs are used.
  • Using directive is not required and can safely be removed.
  • Remove redundant statement
  • Detects when no delegate parameter is used in the anonymous method body.
  • An empty public constructor without paramaters is redundant.
  • Empty destructor is redundant
  • Empty namespace declaration is redundant
  • The default underlying type of enums is int, so defining it explicitly is redundant.
  • Local variable is never used.
  • Class is declared partial but has only one part
  • This is generated by the compiler and can be safely removed.
  • Initializing field with default value is redundant.
  • The override of a virtual member is redundant because it consists of only a call to the base
  • 'params' is ignored on overrides
  • 'sealed' modifier is redundant in sealed classes
  • Label is never referenced
  • Parameter is never used.
  • Type parameter is never used.
  • Tail recursive calls should be avoided.
  • Loop can be converted into LINQ expression
  • Part of the loop body can be converted into LINQ expression
  • Explicit specifiction is redundant because they are inferred from arguments
  • Detects usage of old-style TaskCompletionSource/ContinueWith and suggests using async/await instead
  • Duplicated call to ToList() or ToArray()
  • Finds throws that throws the caught exception and therefore should be empty.
  • Finds calls to Object.GetHashCode inside overridden GetHashCode.
  • Blocks in if/else can be simplified to any of the branches if they have the same block.
  • Detects unnecessary usages of the NotNullAttribute.
  • Warns when the task returned by an async call is ignored, which causes exceptions" +
  • A warning should be given for the case: if (condition) {…} else if (condition) {…}.
  • Detects when a member of a null value is used
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