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fenhl committed Sep 30, 2024
2 parents a75ab38 + 08b1766 commit ba82e6b
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@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from io import FileIO
from Rom import Rom

# Container for storing Audiotable, Audiobank, Audiotable_index, Audiobank_index
class Audiobin:
def __init__(self, _Audiobank: bytearray, _Audiobank_index: bytearray, _Audiotable: bytearray, _Audiotable_index: bytearray):
self.Audiobank: bytearray = _Audiobank
self.Audiobank_index: bytearray = _Audiobank_index
self.Audiotable: bytearray = _Audiotable
self.Audiotable_index: bytearray = _Audiotable_index

num_banks = int.from_bytes(self.Audiobank_index[0:2], 'big')
self.audiobanks: list[AudioBank] = []
for i in range(0, num_banks):
index = 0x10 + (0x10*i)
curr_entry = self.Audiobank_index[index:index+0x10]
audiobank: AudioBank = AudioBank(curr_entry, self.Audiobank, self.Audiotable, self.Audiotable_index)

def find_sample_in_audiobanks(self, sample_data: bytearray):
for audiobank in self.audiobanks:
for drum in audiobank.drums:
if drum and drum.sample:
if == sample_data:
return drum.sample
for instrument in audiobank.instruments:
if instrument:
if instrument.highNoteSample and == sample_data:
return instrument.highNoteSample
if instrument.lowNoteSample and == sample_data:
return instrument.lowNoteSample
if instrument.normalNoteSample and == sample_data:
return instrument.normalNoteSample
for sfx in audiobank.SFX:
if sfx and sfx.sample:
if == sample_data:
return sfx.sample
return None

class Sample:
def __init__(self, bankdata: bytearray, audiotable_file: bytearray, audiotable_index: bytearray, sample_offset: int, audiotable_id: int, parent):
# Process the sample
self.parent = parent
self.bank_offset = sample_offset
self.sample_header = bankdata[sample_offset:sample_offset + 0x10]
self.codec = (self.sample_header[0] & 0xF0) >> 4
self.medium = (self.sample_header[0] & 0x0C) >> 2
self.size = int.from_bytes(self.sample_header[1:4], 'big')
self.addr = int.from_bytes(self.sample_header[4:8], 'big')

if audiotable_file and self.addr > len(audiotable_file): # The offset is higher than the total size of audiotable so we'll assume it doesn't actually exist. # We'll need to get the sample data from ZSOUND files in the archive. = None
self.addr = -1
# Read the audiotable pointer table entry
if audiotable_file and audiotable_index:
audiotable_index_offset = 0x10 + (audiotable_id * 0x10)
audiotable_entry = audiotable_index[audiotable_index_offset:audiotable_index_offset + 0x10]
audiotable_offset = int.from_bytes(audiotable_entry[0:4], 'big')
sample_address = audiotable_offset + self.addr
self.audiotable_addr = sample_address
# Read the sample data = audiotable_file[sample_address:sample_address+self.size]
self.audiotable_addr = -1 = None

# Loads an audiobank and it's corresponding instrument/drum/sfxs
class AudioBank:

# Constructor:
# table_entry - 0x10 byte audiobank entry which contains info like the bank offset, size, number of instruments, etc.
# audiobank_file - the Audiobank file as a byte array
# audiotable_file - the Audiotable file as a byte array
# audiotable_index - the Audiotable index (pointer table) which provides an offsets into the Audiotable file where a bank's instrument samples offsets are calculated from.
def __init__(self, table_entry: bytearray, audiobank_file: bytearray, audiotable_file: bytearray, audiotable_index: bytearray) -> None:

# Process bank entry
self.bank_offset: int = int.from_bytes(table_entry[0:4], 'big') # Offset of the bank in the Audiobank file
self.size: int = int.from_bytes(table_entry[4:8], 'big') # Size of the bank, in bytes
self.load_location: int = table_entry[8] # ROM/RAM/DISK
self.type: int = table_entry[9]
self.audiotable_id: int = table_entry[10] # Read audiotable id from the table entry. Instrument data offsets are in relation to this
self.unk: int = table_entry[11] # 0xFF
self.num_instruments: int = table_entry[12]
self.num_drums: int = table_entry[13]
self.num_sfx: int = int.from_bytes(table_entry[14:16], 'big')
self.bank_data = audiobank_file[self.bank_offset:self.bank_offset + self.size]
self.original_data = self.bank_data.copy()
self.table_entry: bytearray = table_entry
self.duplicate_banks: list[AudioBank] = []
# Process the bank

# Read drums
self.drums: list[Drum] = []
drum_offset = int.from_bytes(self.bank_data[0:4], 'big') # Get the drum pointer. This is the first uint32 in the bank. Points to a list of drum offsets of length num_drums
for i in range(0, self.num_drums): # Read each drum
offset = drum_offset + 4*i
offset = int.from_bytes(self.bank_data[offset:offset+4], 'big')
drum = Drum(i, self.bank_data, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, offset, self.audiotable_id) if offset != 0 else None

# Read SFX
self.SFX: list[SFX] = []
sfx_offset = int.from_bytes(self.bank_data[4:8], 'big') # Get the SFX pointer. this is the second uint32 in the bank. Points to a list of Sound objects which are 8 bytes each (Sample offsets + tuning)
for i in range(0, self.num_sfx): # Read each SFX
offset = sfx_offset + 8*i
sfx = SFX(i, self.bank_data, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, offset, self.audiotable_id) if offset != 0 else None

self.instruments: list[Instrument] = []
# Read the instruments
for i in range(0, self.num_instruments):
offset = 0x08 + 4*i
instr_offset = int.from_bytes(self.bank_data[offset:offset+4], 'big')
instrument: Instrument = Instrument(i, self.bank_data, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, instr_offset, self.audiotable_id) if instr_offset != 0 else None

def __str__(self):
return "Offset: " + hex(self.bank_offset) + ", " + "Len:" + hex(self.size)

def get_all_samples(self) -> list[Sample]:
all_sounds = self.drums + self.instruments + self.SFX
all_samples: list[Sample] = []
for sound in all_sounds:
if type(sound) == Instrument:
instrument: Instrument = sound
if instrument.highNoteSample:
if instrument.lowNoteSample:
if instrument.normalNoteSample:

elif type(sound) == Drum:
drum: Drum = sound
if drum.sample:
elif type(sound) == SFX:
sfx: SFX = sound
if sfx.sample:
return all_samples

def build_entry(self, offset: int) -> bytes:
bank_entry: bytes = offset.to_bytes(4, 'big')
bank_entry += len(self.bank_data).to_bytes(4, 'big')
bank_entry += self.table_entry[8:16]
return bank_entry

class Drum:
def __init__(self, drum_id: int, bankdata: bytearray, audiotable_file: bytearray, audiotable_index: bytearray, drum_offset: int, audiotable_id: int) -> None:
self.drum_id = drum_id
self.releaseRate = bankdata[drum_offset]
self.pan = bankdata[drum_offset + 1]
self.sampleOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[drum_offset + 4:drum_offset+8], 'big')
self.sampleTuning = int.from_bytes(bankdata[drum_offset + 8:drum_offset+12], 'big')
self.envelopePointOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[drum_offset+12:drum_offset+16], 'big')
self.sample: Sample = Sample(bankdata, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, self.sampleOffset, audiotable_id, self)

class SFX:
def __init__(self, sfx_id: int, bankdata: bytearray, audiotable_file: bytearray, audiotable_index: bytearray, sfx_offset: int, audiotable_id: int) -> None:
self.sfx_id = sfx_id
self.sampleOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[sfx_offset:sfx_offset+4], 'big')
self.sampleTuning = int.from_bytes(bankdata[sfx_offset+4:sfx_offset+8], 'big')
self.sample: Sample = Sample(bankdata, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, self.sampleOffset, audiotable_id, self)

class Instrument:
def __init__(self, inst_id: int, bankdata: bytearray, audiotable_file: bytearray, audiotable_index: bytearray, instr_offset: int, audiotable_id: int) -> None:
self.inst_id = inst_id
self.normalRangeLo = bankdata[instr_offset + 1]
self.normalRangeHi = bankdata[instr_offset + 2]
self.releaseRate = bankdata[instr_offset + 3]
self.AdsrEnvelopePointOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 4:instr_offset+8], 'big')
self.lowNoteSampleOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 8:instr_offset+12], 'big')
self.lowNoteTuning = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 12: instr_offset + 16], 'big')
self.normalNoteSampleOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 16:instr_offset+20], 'big')
self.normalNoteTuning = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 20:instr_offset + 24], 'big')
self.highNoteSampleOffset = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 24:instr_offset+28], 'big')
self.highNoteSampleTuning = int.from_bytes(bankdata[instr_offset + 28:instr_offset+32], 'big')
self.lowNoteSample: Sample = Sample(bankdata, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, self.lowNoteSampleOffset, audiotable_id, self) if self.lowNoteSampleOffset != 0 else None
self.normalNoteSample: Sample = Sample(bankdata, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, self.normalNoteSampleOffset, audiotable_id, self) if self.normalNoteSampleOffset != 0 else None
self.highNoteSample: Sample = Sample(bankdata, audiotable_file, audiotable_index, self.highNoteSampleOffset, audiotable_id, self) if self.highNoteSampleOffset != 0 else None

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