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Customizing client code generation

Jim Schubert edited this page Jan 29, 2020 · 3 revisions


This page is outdated, and superseded by the full doc site at

Sometimes you don't want the codegen to make a model for you--you might want to just include one that already exists in your codebase. Say you already have a User object and want to reuse that, which has a different model package from the other generated files:

First, indicate that the class is already included by default. This will keep the codegen from trying to generate the class.


This command line option will tell the generator to consider Pet a "primitive" type.

Next, if the Pet class is a different package, add an --import-mapping to tell the generator to include that import wherever Pet is used:


Now the codegen will know what to import from that specific package.

NOTE: import-mappings is assigned a key-value pair in this example, but multiple values can be comma-separate. For instance:
