This is an Open Blue Dragon plugin that allow for integration with an SVN repository
The underlying SVN functionality is based on SVNKit
This plugin contains the following functions
- SVNRegisterRepository( name, url, user, pass, path, key )
- SVNRemoveRepository( name )
- SVNIsValid( name )
- SVNUpdate( name, svnPath, localPath, revision, recursive, properties )
- SVNGetFile( name, svnPath, localPath, revision, properties )
- SVNGetDir( name, svnPath, localPath, revision, recursive, properties )
- SVNCommit( name, actionElems, message, revision )
- SVNLatestRevision( name )
- SVNGetRevision( name, svnPath, revision)
- SVNLogView( name, startRevision, endRevision, filter, fileFilter, startDateFilter, endDateFilter, patterndate)
- SVNGetStatus( name, svnPath, revision )
- SVNDirectoryList( name, svnPath, recursive, listInfo, filter, sort, revision )
- SVNDiff( name, svnPath, listInfo, revisionNewest, revisionOldest, splitRev, splitStartRevision, charset )
This plugin requires OpenBD to be running. See ReadMe for OpenBD. The build directory contains openbdplugin-svn.jar and a number of supporting JARs that need to be placed inside the lib directory of OpenBD. The Jetty instance will need to be restarted.