A Consent Receipt plugin for Wordpress
The WP Consent Receipt plugin can be called from themes and other plugins via the wp_consent_receipt_button filter hook:
if (has_filter('wp_consent_receipt_button')) {
$html = apply_filters('wp_consent_receipt_button', $html, $consentReceiptData);
Example data for the $consentReceiptData associative array:
$consentReceiptData = array(
'jurisdiction' => 'New Jersey, USA',
'sub' => '[email protected]',
'svc' => array(
'Test Org wiki and other discusssion or work group services',
'Test Org Initiative mailing list',
'Test Org Initiative Auhtentication Services',
'policy_uri' => 'https://test.com/GI/Option+Patent+and+Copyright+(RAND)',
'notice' => 'https://test.com/wiki/Notice+Option+Patent+and+Copyright+(RAND)',
'data_controller' => array(
'on_behalf' => FALSE,
'contact' => 'Privacy Controller',
'company' => 'Test Org',
'address' => '1 Main St, Laredo, TX 78041',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone' => '+1 (956) 111-1111',
'consent_payload' => array(
'Privacy Policy' => 'agree',
'purpose' => array(
'Enable user to participate in Test Org discussions and/or forums',
'pii_collected' => array(
'name' => 'Karl Napp',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'organization' => 'Magic Theater',
'telephone' => '+1 (212) 111-1111',
'sensitive' => array(
'ip address',
'pages visited',
'sharing' => array(
'ip address',
'context' => array(
); // End consentReceiptData array