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Website Deployment QA QC Script

CarolLWagner edited this page Jul 12, 2022 · 27 revisions

Home Page

  • Check ouput logs from 'linkchecker'
  • don't know that this means


  • All links functional
  • Comments:
  • don't need period at end of title "Risk Profiler"
  • Probabilistic Risks tab goes to correct page but white tab doesn't change. Should be white rectangle/tab around text in header
  • Training link goes to empty page
  • Download link goes to correct page but descriptive text on page is NOT in English (nor French)
  • On the About page: I think text "About the Project" should be same size as "About Earthquake Scenarios"
  • link for "Learn more about the national earthquake risk assessment" stays on same page
  • In About Earthquake Scenarios section: slight change in text (italic is for you to see change, do not put word in italic; change to "Scenarios are defined by a magnitude, location, and fault type, and are developed ..."
  • the links for "learn more about earthquake scenarios" and "learn more about probabilistic risk" go to the risk profiler map pages. To me "learn more about" would go to another website with more detailed explanation of these terms. Is this what you want - might not be necessary since the terms are defined/explained on this page. However if you mean for the links to go to the risk profiles map pages, then may I suggest changing the wording to "view the earthquake scenarios" and "view the probabilistic risks"
  • under Earthquake Risk Information and Users:
  1. "For both scenarios and probabilistic analysis, RiskProfiler provides ..." Is "scenarios" supposed to be plural? (I don't think so.)
  2. " ... experience shaking, and the potential level .." remove comma after shaking.
  3. "What are the consequences of an earthquake?" Since these are modelled consequences shouldn't we used a descriptor/adjective here? Such as "expected consequences" or "modelled consequences"
  • under Uncertainties and Intended Use:
  1. "..utilities, vehicles or high consequence facilities such as ..." put comma after vehicles.
  2. Will the general public know what "fire following" means? I see the term as risk lingo. Just asking / open to discussion. (It could be changed to "resulting fires")
  3. The information is based on national-scale models of hazard, ...; change to "The information provided is based on national-scale models of hazard, .."
  • Contact page incomplete


  • why have a "Get Started" button? It doesn't go anywhere and there are already Quick Links on the page
  • Loads without long delay
  • yes
  • Quick links all work as expected
  • Comments:
  • Earthquake Scenario link goes to correct page
  • Probabilistic Risks link goes to map page instead of main Probabilistic page
  • Training link goes to empty page
  • Download link goes to correct page but text is not in English
  • Earthquake Scenarios Section/links functional
  • all works okay
  • Probabilistic Risks Section/links functional
  • the Explore button goes directly to a map instead of to the main Probabilistic page
  • Training Section/links functional
  • typo: " ... obtain the earthqauke risk information ..."
  • Why are there multiple images? There are 5 training options so there should only be 5 images/boxes. And can the boxes be displayed/sized/rearranged so that all 5 can be seen at once. Can these be displayed in order of significance (as I see it) to the Risk Profiler? Intro to Scenarios should be first.
  • Downloads Section/links functional
  • Link goes to correct page but text not in English


  • All links functional
  • Contact information needs to be completed

Earthquake Scenarios

  • Shakemap doesn't appear at zoomed-in scale for any scenario (missing 1km maps?)
  • not sure what hexagon size is showing (doesn't look like either 1km or 5km to me, based on background map but assume it's 5km); hexagon size doesn't appear to change as you zoom out (hexagons are warped due to map projection but that's okay)
  • IMPORTANT: text in title says "units in g", caption with mouse scroll says "%g" which is wrong, legend along bottom has values in %g (this mix up is probably because the legend I made for the hex maps says %g but the maps is in g) This needs to be fixed.
  • when viewing Retrofit maps, the title and legend colours/values do NOT change when map selection changes; sometimes the new map selection is all one colour; when you turn off Retrofit then the map/title/legend/values change to correct values
  • when changing from a Retrofit map back to the Shakemap, you get one colour and can't turn off Retrofit; have to go back to one of the results maps then turn off Retrofit, then got to Shakemap
  • when viewing Retrofit, the tables are a bit slow to change
  • may need to check the values for the retrofit charts; for example for the Cascadia scenario there are many more people in the non-retrofit Design Level chart (18,456) than in the retrofit Design Level chart (8,184) --> Oh, I'm reading this incorrectly, the values in the charts are ONLY for that particular map, such as First Aid injuries, so fewer people have level 1 injuries in the retrofit scenario
  • also in Design Level chart, the number of buildings decreases for the Retrofit chart; this doesn't make sense; should be same number of buildings and more high code and fewer of the other codes?
  • in Design Level chart, it is difficult to differentiate between the red (high code) and orange (moderate code)
  • need to say somewhere what the polygons represent in the results maps: Census Sub-divisions and Census blocks?
  • perhaps need to say somewhere the definitions of slight, moderate, extreme, and complete damage level?
  • Refresh button takes you back to Scenario Selection page instead of refreshing the Explore page
  • title of Shakemap needs to be changed to "in units of %g" now that mouse scroll text has changed
  • Cascadia Interface Best Fault

    • Shakemap Hexgrid loads 5km & 1km
    • Fatalities, Damage, Dollars * Check All plots at CSD and SAUID Scale
  • Georgia Strait

    • Shakemap Hexgrid loads 5km & 1km
    • Fatalities, Damage, Dollars * Check All plots at CSD and SAUID Scale
  • "Georgia Strait Rupture Scenarios using the ..." Is Scenarios supposed to be plural?
  • where is information for the Cassidy et al reference?
  • Leech River Full Fault

    • Shakemap Hexgrid loads 5km & 1km
    • Fatalities, Damage, Dollars * Check All plots at CSD and SAUID Scale
  • Sidney

    • Shakemap Hexgrid loads 5km & 1km
    • Fatalities, Damage, Dollars * Check All plots at CSD and SAUID Scale
  • Val des Bois

    • Shakemap Hexgrid loads 5km & 1km
    • Fatalities, Damage, Dollars * Check All plots at CSD and SAUID Scale
  • where is the information for the two cited references?
  • took longer to load Results maps than for other Scenarios

Probabilistic Risks

  • Landing page loads

  • Map at P/T scale loads

  • Zoom into CSD loads and is performant

  • "Search Communities" doesn't work; type in community name and circle goes round and round; doesn't finish

  • can't remove View Details window on left; can you add an x button?

  • classes in legend on bottom for injuries are nonsense: 0-0 people, 0-0 people, 0-0 people, 0-1 people, 1-1 people

  • when on a probabilistic map, the Back button goes to the Scenarios page not back to the Probabilistic Risks main page

  • on several of the buildings maps, the city names are doubled

  • because there are so many polygons in the Lower Mainland area, perhaps would be good to add the postal code to the title in the View Details window (example "Vancouver (V6B)")

  • Is Loss Exceedance box supposed to be blank?

  • Suggestion: Is it possible to choose other maps when on the map page? Instead of having to hit X and go back to the main Probabilistic Risks page, could there be a dropdown selection list from the "Probabilistic Risks >" header just above the map?

  • Red X on upper right of Probabilistic main page acting as back arrow - takes you back to the previously viewed page

  • when looking at a Probabilistic map there is no way to look at another one. The black x on the subheader (example: Probabilistic Risks > Buildings with Slight Damage X) goes back to the Prob main/selection page but can't select another map!


  • Training content populated
  • No content on training links


  • All links function as expected
  • Descriptive text is not in English
  • links appear to go to correct page; I have not actually tried to download the data
  • On the View Repository pages, can you put the "Description" closer to the top of the download list, perhaps between the recurrence rate and the cost?


  • About content populated
  • All links function as expected
  • On the About page: I think text "About the Project" should be same size as "About Earthquake Scenarios"

Contact Us

  • Contact content populated and up to date
  • Contact information needs to be completed

Repeat For French Language Website Version

  • have not yet checked much on French version
  • on Scenarios page, hit Explorer and map does not load; "loading scenario" never ends
  • on Probabilistic page, hit View Details and information does not load; loading circle does not stop

Check Accessibility via LightHouse

  • don't know what this is

Check Mandatory Feature issues in repo

  • [ ]
  • don't know what this is

Test for WCAG AA Compliance

  • check pro-grammatically
  • standards are changing
  • not checked

Check Mobile Layout and Responsiveness

  • not checked

Create GitHub actions automation

  • don't know what this is