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Roy T. Fielding

Versioning, Hypermedia, and REST (2014-12-17)

Either, (a) the version is eventually changed and all of the components written to the prior version need to be restarted, redeployed, or abandoned because they cannot adapt to the benefits of that newer system, or (b) the version is never changed and is just a permanent lead weight making every API call less efficient.

A lot of developers throw up their hands in disgust at this point and claim that I just don’t understand their problem. Their systems are important. They are going to change. New features are going to be provided. Data is going to be rearranged. They need some way to control how old clients can coexist with new ones.

Naturally, that is where I have to explain why "hypermedia as the engine of application state" is a REST constraint. Not an option. Not an ideal. Hypermedia is a constraint. As in, you either do it or you aren’t doing REST. You can’t have evolvability if clients have their controls baked into their design at deployment. Controls have to be learned on the fly. That’s what hypermedia enables.

Media types, scale of decades and simplicity

To some extent, people get REST wrong because I failed to include enough detail on media type design within my dissertation. That’s because I ran out of time, not because I thought it was any less important than the other aspects of REST. ...

However, I think most people just make the mistake that it should be simple to design simple things. In reality, the effort required to design something is inversely proportional to the simplicity of the result. As architectural styles go, REST is very simple.

REST is software design on the scale of decades: every detail is intended to promote software longevity and independent evolution. Many of the constraints are directly opposed to short-term efficiency. Unfortunately, people are fairly good at short-term design, and usually awful at long-term design. Most don’t think they need to design past the current release. There are more than a few software methodologies that portray any long-term thinking as wrong-headed, ivory tower design (which it can be if it isn’t motivated by real requirements).

And, of course, lately there has been a lot of “me too” activity around REST, as is the nature of any software buzzword.

Prior knowledge

Of course the client has prior knowledge. Every protocol, every media type definition, every URI scheme, and every link relationship type constitutes prior knowledge that the client must know (or learn) in order to make use of that knowledge. REST doesn’t eliminate the need for a clue. What REST does is concentrate that need for prior knowledge into readily standardizable forms. That is the essential distinction between data-oriented and control-oriented integration.

It has value because it is far easier to standardize representation and relation types than it is to standardize objects and object-specific interfaces. In other words, there are fewer things to learn and they can be recombined in unanticipated ways while remaining understandable to the client.

That doesn’t mean that I think everyone should design their own systems according to the REST architectural style. REST is intended for long-lived network-based applications that span multiple organizations. If you don’t see a need for the constraints, then don’t use them. That’s fine with me as long as you don’t call the result a REST API. I have no problem with systems that are true to their own architectural style.

Sequence of requests / out-of-band information

The short answer: “follow your nose”. That is the phrase we usually use to distinguish the process of following information-provided transitions/semantics versus following a set procedure or interface declaration outside of that flow of information. Basically, how far ahead is the client looking?

The difficulty in providing any trace criterion for REST is that what matters is how the client decides to take transitions. A client that has been pre-programmed to make a sequence of requests (regardless of the response) is going to produce the same network trace as one that examines each response and makes deliberate decisions based on the content.

In terms of testing a specification, the hardest part is identifying when a RESTful protocol is actually dependent on out-of-band information or if the authors are just overspecifying things for the purpose of documentation. What I look for are requirements on processing behavior that are defined outside of the media type specification. One of the easiest ways to see that is when a protocol calls for the use of a generic media type (like application/xml or application/json) and then requires that it be processed in a way that is special to the protocol/API. If they are keying off of something unique within the content (like an XML namespace declaration that extends the semantics of a generic type), then it’s okay. Usually, however, what they do is assume that the response has a specific structure beyond that defined by the media type. When the structure changes, the client will break.

Automated agents

When representations are provided in hypertext form with typed relations (using microformats of HTML, RDF in N3 or XML, or even SVG), then automated agents can traverse these applications almost as well as any human. There are plenty of examples in the linked data communities. More important to me is that the same design reflects good human-Web design, and thus we can design the protocols to support both machine and human-driven applications by following the same architectural style.

Martin Fowler

RMM and REST, weight of Roy Fielding's definition

I should stress that the RMM, while a good way to think about what the elements of REST, is not a definition of levels of REST itself. Roy Fielding has made it clear that level 3 RMM is a pre-condition of REST. Like many terms in software, REST gets lots of definitions, but since Roy Fielding coined the term, his definition should carry more weight than most.