What's Changed
- Replaced deprecated 'getchildren' method with 'list(elem)' for Python >= 3.2 by @kzscisoft in #132
- Avoid using translations by @adeas31 in #131
- add needed dll's to PATH for windows simulation by @arun3688 in #136
- fix linearfile for linearization() by @arun3688 in #140
- report info message for non-modifiable parameters by @arun3688 in #141
- update getParameters when rebuilding model by @arun3688 in #142
- allow users to provide library version by @arun3688 in #143
- fix getClassNames without className argument by @Arinomo in #154
- New release version 3.4.0 by @adeas31 in #158
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0