How to test the P4 OpenState applications?
##P4 download
Download a clean Mininet 2.2.1 VM on Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit) at this link.
You need to clone two p4lang Github repositories:
cd ~
git clone bmv2
git clone p4c-bmv2
Install the following Python packages:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install scapy thrift networkx
Each of these repositories comes with dependencies:
cd ~/p4c-bmv2
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ~/bmv2
Do not forget to build the code once all the dependencies have been installed:
cd ~/bmv2
##P4 OpenState applications download
Clone the P4 OpenState repository:
cd ~
git clone
Now you can test the following OpenState-based applications:
- mac_learning
- portknocking
- fwd_consistency
- SPIDER: Fault Resilient SDN Pipeline with Recovery Delay Guarantees
To run an application:
cd ~/openstate.p4/{app_name}
Each application's folder has its own README file.