A sample recipe search app using Spoonacular REST API and built natively for iOS
Boiled Potato is an app built with Swift and the Coordinator-MVVM architecture. This app is meant to showcase my iOS development skills and you may use this as a reference when building your own apps.
Note: If you pull this repository, you will need an API key from Spoonacular API, which you will then copy and paste into your local.properties file as:
You can get access to this API at [rapidapi.com]
Minimum iOS Version: 10.0
Target iOS Version - 12.3
The main view controller will show a simple search box at the top of the page and at some buttons that you can toggle at the bottom for filtering search results by cuisine type. Additionally, there is a Favorites button at the top right corner.
Once you hit the search button, the search results activity will begin by displaying recipes, which will be retrieved from a local SQLite database using SQLite.swift or from the web API if no results found in database. If you clicked the Favorites button in the previous activity, a list of favorite recipes will show up.
Upon clicking a recipe, you will view the recipes details such as name, servings and preparation time. It will load up ingredients and instructions from API if viewing recipe for the first time. You can mark this recipe as a favorite.