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zml edited this page Jan 24, 2014 · 1 revision

These are some issues people frequently have with PermissionsEx (PEX)

General Advice

  • Do not manually edit your permissions file. PEX provides commands that guarantee that your file will remain in a syntax error-free state.
  • Look at plugin documentation for permission nodes. Remember that wildcards are supported for any node (this will save you lots of time when writing permissions)
  • Keep up to date with PEX versions. Newer releases often contain bug fixes and performance improvements.

Q: Does PermissionsEx work with Bukkit for version x.x.x?

*A: Yes. PEX is designed to not require changes each version of Bukkit.

Q: Why are none of my permissions working?

A: PEX most likely experienced an error while loading your permissions Check your server log for more information. There will most likely be an indented section containing lines starting with ru.tehkode.permissions. The lines appearing just before these indented lines provide more detail about exactly what error happened. Often this line will indicate a database connection issue

Q: Why do I see an error about database tables not being found or Why can't I import the SQL dump file into my database?

In recent versions of PEX, the way to import data into SQL has been changed. Instead of importing the file directly, set the permissions.backends.sql.deploy option to the name of the export file. (Delete any existing permissions tables in the database before doing this).

Q: Why are my negated permissions not working?

Ordering is important in the PEX config. Permissions declarations earlier within a single group or user take priority over others in the same list. Make sure that negated permissions are placed before