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boriskaus committed Oct 9, 2024
1 parent f63f574 commit a7620cc
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 0 deletions.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions examples/diffusion_2d_mpi_gmg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# This file shows how we can use the GeophysicalModelGenerator package to specify an initial model setup
# it will run on 1 core if you start this from the REPL and on multicores if you run this with:
# mpiexecjl -n 4 --project=. julia diffusion_2d_mpi_gmg.jl
# it requires GMG >= 0.7.8
using Chmy, Chmy.Architectures, Chmy.Grids, Chmy.Fields, Chmy.BoundaryConditions, Chmy.GridOperators, Chmy.KernelLaunch
using KernelAbstractions
using Printf
using CairoMakie
using GeophysicalModelGenerator

# using AMDGPU
# AMDGPU.allowscalar(false)
# using CUDA
# CUDA.allowscalar(false)

using Chmy.Distributed
using MPI

@kernel inbounds = true function compute_q!(q, C, χ, g::StructuredGrid, O)
I = @index(Global, NTuple)
I = I + O
q.x[I...] = -χ * ∂x(C, g, I...)
q.y[I...] = -χ * ∂y(C, g, I...)

@kernel inbounds = true function update_C!(C, q, Δt, g::StructuredGrid, O)
I = @index(Global, NTuple)
I = I + O
C[I...] -= Δt * divg(q, g, I...)

@views function main(backend=CPU(); nxy_l=(126, 126))
arch = Arch(backend, MPI.COMM_WORLD, (0, 0))
topo = topology(arch)
me = global_rank(topo)
# geometry
dims_l = nxy_l
dims_g = dims_l .* dims(topo)
grid = UniformGrid(arch; origin=(-2, -2), extent=(4, 4), dims=dims_g)
launch = Launcher(arch, grid, outer_width=(16, 8))

#@info "mpi" me grid

nx, ny = dims_g
# physics
χ = 1.0
# numerics
Δt = minimum(spacing(grid))^2 / χ / ndims(grid) / 2.1
# allocate fields
C = Field(backend, grid, Center())
P = Field(backend, grid, Center(), Int32) # phases

q = VectorField(backend, grid)
C_v = (me==0) ? KernelAbstractions.zeros(CPU(), Float64, size(interior(C)) .* dims(topo)) : nothing

# use GMG to set the initial conditions
add_box!(P,C,grid, xlim=(-1.0,1.0), zlim=(-1.0,1.0), phase=ConstantPhase(4), T=ConstantTemp(400))

# set BC's and updates the halo:
bc!(arch, grid, C => Neumann(); exchange=C)

# visualisation
fig = Figure(; size=(400, 320))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]; aspect=DataAspect(), xlabel="x", ylabel="y", title="it = 0")
plt = heatmap!(ax, centers(grid)..., interior(C) |> Array; colormap=:turbo)
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], plt)
# action
nt = 100
for it in 1:nt
(me==0) && @printf("it = %d/%d \n", it, nt)
launch(arch, grid, compute_q! => (q, C, χ, grid))
launch(arch, grid, update_C! => (C, q, Δt, grid); bc=batch(grid, C => Neumann(); exchange=C))
# local postprocess
# plt[3] = interior(C) |> Array
# ax.title = "it = $nt"
# display(fig)
# save("out$me.png", fig)
# global postprocess
gather!(arch, C_v, C)
if me == 0
fig = Figure(; size=(400, 320))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]; aspect=DataAspect(), xlabel="x", ylabel="y", title="it = 0")
plt = heatmap!(ax, C_v; colormap=:turbo) # how to get the global grid for axes?
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], plt)
save("out_gather_$nx.png", fig)

n = 128

# main(ROCBackend(); nxy_l=(n, n) .- 2)
# main(CUDABackend(); nxy_l=(n, n) .- 2)
main(; nxy_l=(n, n) .- 2)


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