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A easy protobuf-cmake-cpp project for generating etcd v3 api for C++ based on gRPC. Normally it requires a C++ compiler which supports C++14 (due to gRPC dependencies). It might work with lower version of C++ compiler (e.g. gcc 4.8.5) with older gRPC version. Currently it's designed to work on Linux platform.

The project takes the proto files dependencies from etcd (version 3.5.10) and googleapis. With the help of protobuf_generate from CMake, we can easily build a static library containing the necessary grpc interface to access etcd v3 server using C++.


cmake -H. -Bbuild -G Ninja
# put -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/your/grpc/installation
# if your grpc is not installed into well known paths

ninja -C build install


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

According to the TERMS of Apache 2.0 license, here are the changes to the proto files obtained from:


  1. googleapis/google/api/annotations.proto

    files taken to google/api.


  1. etcd/api/authpb/auth.proto

  2. etcd/api/etcdserverpb/etcdserver.proto

  3. etcd/api/etcdserverpb/rpc.proto

  4. etcd/api/mvccpb/kv.proto

    files taken to etcd/api, the import paths are replaced accordingly, gogoproto dependencies removed.