目前支持在ubuntu 18.04和Mac上编译运行。
- 这里是适用于fuchsia仓库的文档(需要科学上网)。我们使用vscode,相关的vscode设置在仓库中的.vscode目录,希望有所帮助。
- 解析代码依赖的compile_commands.json将会随build过程生成到out文件夹,建议先成功build再用vscode打开zircon目录。
当前只支持在Mac OS及Linux x64上进行编译。
默认的make run
和make build
- 修改out/args.gn中的
- 重新
make build
make runarm
Zircon is the core platform that powers the Fuchsia OS. Zircon is composed of a microkernel (source in kernel/...) as well as a small set of userspace services, drivers, and libraries (source in system/...) necessary for the system to boot, talk to hardware, load userspace processes and run them, etc. Fuchsia builds a much larger OS on top of this foundation.
The canonical Zircon Git repository is located at: https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/zircon
The Zircon Kernel provides syscalls to manage processes, threads, virtual memory, inter-process communication, waiting on object state changes, and locking (via futexes).
Currently there are some temporary syscalls that have been used for early bringup work, which will be going away in the future as the long term syscall API/ABI surface is finalized. The expectation is that there will be about 100 syscalls.
Zircon syscalls are generally non-blocking. The wait_one, wait_many port_wait and thread sleep being the notable exceptions.
This page is a non-comprehensive index of the zircon documentation.