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Hyper-recent article feed


To see the CLI help, do node hyper-recent.js help.


  • Download the data for Janurary 2022: node hyper-recent.js download 2022-01-01 2022-01-31 > example-data/2022-01.json
  • What articles in June match 'breast cancer'? cat example-data/2022-06.json | node hyper-recent.js search "breast cancer"
    • Colour the JSON output: cat example-data/2022-06.json | node hyper-recent.js search "breast cancer" | jq
    • Scroll through the JSON output: cat example-data/2022-06.json | node hyper-recent.js search "breast cancer" | less
    • Count the articles: cat example-data/2022-06.json | node hyper-recent.js search "breast cancer" | jq "length"
    • Get a short list of just the article titles: cat example-data/2022-06.json | node hyper-recent.js search "breast cancer" | jq "map(.title)"