Scrapes Liquidation websites and determines the most profitable lots to purchase
- Ensure duplicate proxies are not being added
- Need to check each item if it can be sold on Amazon before calculating expected sales
- MAYBE: Every 24 hours, program runs and emails me the best lots
- *User Interface
- Ability to purchase lots through the program (and create amazon listing drafts for each item)
*User Interface:
- Progress Bars based on either proxy gathering, lot gathering, or lot-amazon calculations (maybe add some cool sounds)
- Pause, Stop, Resume buttons for each task
- Be able to view current state (list of proxies, gathered lots, calculated lots)
- Be able to choose sites and search critera when searching lots
- Lot Calculation Results should be very intuitive: Easy profit numbers, best items listed first, links to manifests and amazon listings, click on lots/items to expand their info
- Maybe use a third-party String comparison algorithm to check how similar the titles