This is a Node.js library to facilitate contract sending using the ClickSign REST API. The library is written in TypeScript and uses functional programming to provide an easy-to-use and scalable interface.
The library already has the following features implemented:
- Send contracts to ClickSign
- Retrieve the list of documents in ClickSign
To use the library in your project, you can install it via npm or yarn:
npm install clicksign-library --save
yarn add clicksign-library
Before using the library, you need to configure the ClickSign API with your access key, and the enviroment:
import { clickSignService } from 'clicksign-library';
import { ClickSignEnvironment } from 'clicksign-library/types';
const accessToken = 'YOUR_CLICKSIGN_ACCESS_KEY';
const environment = ClickSignEnvironment.Production;
const clickSignAPI = clickSignService({
apiKey: accessToken,
debug: false, // optional, default is false
maxRequests: 10, // optional, default is 10
perMilliseconds: 2000, // optional, default is 2000
retryConfig: { retries: 3 }, // optional, default is { retries: 3 }
To create a document by template on ClickSign, you can use this function:
async function createDocumentByTemplate() {
try {
const data = {
path: '/Models/Test-123.docx',
templateKey: 'a250d85b-1688-4145-838a-122f4a4febf7',
data: {
company: 'Test',
full_address: 'Test Address',
zip: '31080-231',
cnpj: '12.123.321/0001-12',
value: '$ 10.0000',
} as TemplateDocument;
const document = await clickSignService.documents.createDocumentByTemplate(data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating document by template:', error.message);
To create a document by upload on ClickSign, you can use this function:
async function createDocumentByUpload() {
try {
const data = {
path: "/document.pdf",
content_base64: 'base64 file' ,
deadline_at: "2020-01-05T14:30:59-03:00", // optional
auto_close: true, // optional - default true
remind_interval: 14, // optional - default 3
locale: "pt-BR", // optional - default pt-BR
sequence_enabled: false, // optional - default fase
block_after_refusal: true // optional - default true
} as CreateDocumentByUpload;
const document = await clickSignService.documents.createDocumentByUpload(data);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error creating document by template:', error.message);
To retrieve the list of documents in ClickSign, you can use the getDocuments function:
const fetchDocuments = async () => {
const documents = await clickSignAPI.documents.getDocuments();
return documents;
To get a document by key in ClickSign, you can use:
const fetchDocument = async (documentKey: string) => {
const document = await clickSignAPI.documents.getDocument(documentKey);
To Cancel a document by key, you can use:
const cancelDocument = async (documentKey: string) => {
await clickSignAPI.documents.cancelDocument(documentKey);
To Delete a document by key, you can use:
const deleteDocument = async (documentKey: string) => {
await clickSignAPI.documents.deleteDocument(documentKey);
Creates a new signer in ClickSign.
const createNewSigner = async () => {
const data: CreateSigner = {
auths: ['email'],
email: '[email protected]',
name: 'Test User',
documentation: '', // cpf number
birthday: new Date('11/11/1998'),
phone_number: '11988667788',
await clickSignAPI.signers.createSigner(data);
Get a signer in ClickSign.
const getASigner = async () => {
const signerKey = 'key'
const signerData = await clickSignAPI.signers.getSigner(signerKey);
console.log({ signerData })
Get a signer in ClickSign.
const addAginerInDoc = async () => {
const data: AddSignerInDocument = {
document_key: document.key,
signer_key: signerKey,
sign_as: 'sign',
message: 'Olá, assine aqui',
refusable: true,
await clickSignAPI.signers.addSignerInDocument(data);
To add signer in Document in ClickSign.
const addAginerInDoc = async () => {
const data: AddSignerInDocument = {
document_key: document.key,
signer_key: signerKey,
sign_as: 'sign',
message: 'Olá, assine aqui',
refusable: true,
await clickSignAPI.signers.addSignerInDocument(data);
To remove a signer of Document in ClickSign.
const removeSignerofDoc = async () => {
const { document } = await clickSignAPI.documents.getDocument(documentKey);
await clickSignAPI.signers.removeSignerOfDocument(
Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
This is a brief guide on how to use the ClickSign library in your Node.js project. Feel free to expand the README with more relevant information for users and developers. Remember to keep the README updated as new features are added to the project. Happy coding!
Make sure to replace `YOUR_CLICKSIGN_ACCESS_KEY` with your actual ClickSign access key in the code. This file provides instructions on how to install, configure, and use the ClickSign library in your project. It also includes a contribution section and license information to facilitate collaboration from other developers.
Remember to keep the updated with relevant information for the project and its users. A good README is essential for providing clear and friendly documentation and helping users understand how to use the library effectively.